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FepB is responsible for the smr mutant’s phenotype.

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1 FepB is responsible for the smr mutant’s phenotype.
FepB is responsible for the smr mutant’s phenotype. (A) Schematic of the enterobactin genes located in the Δsmr_C region. (B) Mice were inoculated i.n. with 2 × 104 CFU of the WT (KPPR1S; black circles) or the Δsmr (VK082; open squares), ΔfepB (VK412; black diamonds), Δent syn (VK321; open circles), ΔentS (VK411; black squares), Δfes (VK320; black inverted triangles), or fepD::kan (VK413; open triangles) mutant. At 24 or 72 hpi, mice were sacrificed and their lungs and spleens were homogenized and plated for bacterial enumeration. Each symbol represents one mouse. The dotted line indicates the limit of detection, and symbols on the dotted line indicate that CFU counts were below the limit of detection. The data are from an individual representative experiment. Mann-Whitney tests were performed for statistical analysis. *, P < **, P < 0.01. Michelle Palacios et al. mSphere 2017; doi: /mSphere

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