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Preparing for a Terrorist Attack Indian Point Energy Center

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1 Preparing for a Terrorist Attack Indian Point Energy Center
Name College

2 United States preparation
The United States is vulnerable to international and homegrown terror The best way to deal with this danger is to be prepared as much as possible Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Incident Command System (ICS) Allows for coordination of efforts Integrates facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures and communications in he event of terror Although citizens of the United States have long held the notion that even though terror happened at other places around the globe, we were generally immune from acts of terror in our own backyards. However, on September 11, that thinking changed radically as we were the victims of a massive terrorist attacks the likes of which we have never seen before. Furthermore, jut this past week, we fell victim to another act of terror activity with the events at the Boston Marathon and the bombings there. While these two incidents were different in their perpetrators, the outcome was the same: fear and anger that spread throughout the country of America. For this reason, the Federal government in the US has instituted two important areas to help us be better prepared in the event terror looks for us again. This includes the Department of Homeland Security and the Incident Command System. FEMA, 2013

3 Imminent Danger If the US receives intelligence reports of imminent terror attacks, it must spring in to action to: Prevent Deter Respond There will be many steps for the US to take if they are warned or receive intelligence of an imminent terroristic attack on an area vital to our infrastructure. Such an attack could be aimed at the Indian Point Energy Center in New York. It is important for our government to be aware of the center's proximity to developed areas such as the fact that it is located only 38 miles from New York City, in Peekskill, NY. This would undoubtedly be an attractive site for future terroristic threats to send oceans of fear through just about everyone on the Eastern seaboard of the US. With this in mind, the United States needs to be prepared well before the possibility of an attack becomes a possibility. This will include several and coordinated efforts from our leaders to ensure our safety as citizens. Appleborne, 2011

4 Responding to Imminent Danger
Indian Point Energy Center Located close to areas of high density for people and business Potential attractive target for those who seek to damage the US Requires a comprehensive and organized plan to limit possible threats of violence Although attacks on nuclear points are possible, the goal is to be prepared well before any events could take place. Indian Point is protected by federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, including a National Guard base within a mile of the facility, as well as by private off-site security forces. However, this is unfortunately not nearly enough to keep our citizens safe in these unstable times. Even though terrorists have reportedly considered attacking nuclear sites within the US, they have yet to do so. Nevertheless, following 9/11 the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) required operators of nuclear facilities in the U.S. to examine the effects of terrorist events and provide planned responses. In September 2006, the Indian Point Security Department successfully completed mock assault exercises required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This may have been a good start, but it was only the beginning of keeping us safe. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation states that the spent fuel pools at Indian Point are "exposed and unsecured" and therefore "vulnerable to attack." According to the New York Times, fuel stored in dry casks is "less vulnerable to terrorist attack than fuel in the storage pools (Wild, 2008)." Wild, 2008

5 Ways to be Prepared Institute an early warning system to alert residences nearby Prepare and adhere to reports that call for safer nuclear plants Create alternative storage facilities that will be less attractive as threats Maximize the nearby military installation to help guard the plant against unforeseen attack There is really very little any of us can do if a criminal seeks to do the United States and her people harm through terror. However, we can be better prepared if such an untoward event were to occur. If intelligence is obtained by the US that warns of an attack on the plant, we should be ready to take it seriously and have an early warning system in place for all residents of the nearby area. These same citizens may wish to institute drills to ensure their own safety. In addition, we should be looking now at ways to improve safety at the plant. This may include taking advantage of the nearby National Guard station to help monitor safety at the plant and to respond if there are any signs of danger. Our engineers must be diligent in developing storage facilities that are less prone to damage if they are attacked in the future (Koenig, 2008). If we all work together, we can ensure the safety of our way of life for many years to come. Koenig, 2008

6 References Applebome, P. (2011)"Fukushima, Indian Point and Fantasy", The New York Times March 20, Last accessed April 21, 2013. FEMA (2013) Incident Command System. Last accessed April 21, 2013. Koenig, D. (2008) Coordinated nuclear terrorist attack - Imminent danger to the U.S. Last accessed April 21, 2013. Wald, M. (2008) "Indian Point Nuclear Waste Moved to New, Dry Home" The New York Times January 12, Last accessed April 21, 2013.

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