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Review the HR Authorization Report to Ensure Proper Utilization

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1 Review the HR Authorization Report to Ensure Proper Utilization
HRAR eMILPO Activity

Ensure the HRAR has been reconciled against personnel and slots using eMILPO a. The Human Resource Authorizations Report (HRAR) displays the associations between authorizations and Soldiers within the unit. It includes sections for slotted Soldiers and their authorizations, unslotted Soldiers, unfilled positions, slotted and unfilled positions, changed authorizations, and total Soldiers. NOTE: The Human Resource Authorizations Report (HRAR) or Unit Manning Report displays the associations between authorizations and Soldiers within the unit. Log-in to “eMILPO” b. On eMILPO Main Menu, click “Human Resource Authorizations Report (UMR)” (1) Have the students select “W3CLSN” by clicking on the UIC and then clicking “View” to proceed. (2) In the field, HR would be responsible for correcting discrepancies in the Remarks section. c. Have the students follow through the sections of the HRAR: (1) Section 1 - Slotted Soldiers: The system compares the qualifications of the Soldiers with the requirements of the authorizations . The system also calculates the total number of Soldiers and categorizes them by Military Personnel Classification (that is, Officers, Warrant Officers and Enlisted) and component. (2) Section 2 - Unslotted Soldiers: Compares the position number values between the authorizations and the Soldiers in the unit and displays the Soldiers who are not slotted to an authorization along with their supporting data . The section also displays the total number of unslotted Soldiers within the unit and categorizes them by Military Personnel Classification and component. (3) Section 3 - Unfilled Positions: Displays a list of unfilled positions in the unit along with supporting data relevant to those positions (4) Section 4 - Slotted/Unfilled Positions: Displays a list of both slotted and unfilled authorizations in the unit along with supporting data relevant to those positions.. (5) Section 5 - Changed Authorizations: Displays the authorizations that will be dropped from or added to the unit when the next document takes effect, and the supporting data relevant to these changed authorizations. The system displays the changed authorizations and their corresponding data and whether the positions are Added (A) or Dropped (D). (6) Section 6 - Total Soldiers: Displays the total number of Soldiers in the selected unit. 2

NOTE: Have the students select “W30301” by clicking on the UIC and then clicking “View” to proceed. 3

d. HRAR—Date Selection) displays the selected UIC, the Document Effective Dates available for the selected UIC, and the Document Number for the selected Document Effective Date. To select a date for the HRAR, perform the following steps: (1) If you select a future or past Document Effective Date, that is any other than the current date, only HRAR Section 5—Changed Authorizations will be displayed. The system defaults to the current Document Effective Date for the selected UIC. (2) To select another date, select a Document Effective Date from the picklist and click “OK” to proceed. (3) Click Close to exit the page without proceeding. The system will return to the HRAR—UIC Selection page. NOTE: Have students click ”OK” to proceed. 4

NOTE: Inform the students, If you slot the Soldier to a position already assigned to another Soldier, the system accommodates double slotting by issuing a message that the Soldier is being double slotted. You will have the option to override to not allow the double slotting or to check the option to allow double slotting. e. HRAR Section 1—Slotted Soldiers) displays a list of filled authorizations and supporting data (Grade, Position Title, SEQ/POSN, COMP, AUTH STR, PERS ID, PMOS/PAOC, ASI, SQI, Para Title, LANG, and Sec Level) along with a listing of slotted Soldiers and supporting data (Rank, Name, SSN, Comp, PMOS/PAOC, BMOS, ASI, Lang, Sec Level, QLD, and Date of Loss). The system compares the qualifications of the Soldiers with the requirements of the authorizations and notes any incompatibilities in the Remarks column. The system also calculates the total number of Soldiers and categorizes them by Military Personnel Classification (that is, Officers, Warrant Officers and Enlisted) and component. 5

HRAR Section 2-Unsloted Soldiers f. HRAR Section 2—Unslotted Soldiers) compares the position number values between the authorizations and the Soldiers in the unit and displays the Soldiers who are not slotted to an authorization along with their supporting data (SEQ/POSN, Position Title, Rank, Name, SSN, COMP, PMOS/PAOC, ASI, SQI, Sec Skill, Lang, and Sec Level). The section also displays the total number of unslotted Soldiers within the unit and categorizes them by Military Personnel Classification (that is, Officers, Warrant Officers and Enlisted) and component. 6

g. Section 3 of the HRAR (shown in Figure 16–41: HRAR Section 3—Unfilled Positions) displays a list of unfilled positions in the unit along with supporting data relevant to those positions (Seq No., Position Title, Grade, Comp, PERS ID, MOS/AOC, SQI, ASI, Lang, and Sec Level). The section also displays the total number of unfilled positions for the selected unit. 7

HRAR Section 4-Total Slotted/Unfilled Positions h. Section 4 of the HRAR —Slotted/Unfilled Positions) displays a list of both slotted and unfilled authorizations in the unit along with supporting data relevant to those positions (SEQ No., Slotted, Position Title, Grade, Comp, AUTH STR, PERS ID, MOS/AOC, SQI, ASI, Lang, and Sec Level). The system counts the total number of slotted positions and unfilled positions for the selected unit at the bottom of the report. 8

i. Section 5 of the HRAR —Changed Authorizations displays the authorizations that will be dropped from or added to the unit when the next document takes effect, and the supporting data relevant to these changed authorizations. The system displays the changed authorizations and their corresponding data: SEQ No., Position Title, Grade, Comp, PERS ID, PMOS/PAOC, ASI, SQI, Sec Skill, Lang, Sec Level, and whether the positions are Added (A) or Dropped (D). If you select any Document Effective Date other than the current date, only HRAR Section 5—Changed Authorizations will be displayed. 9

j. Section 6 of the HRAR —Total Soldiers) displays the total number of Soldiers in the selected unit categorized by the following criteria: (1) Required/Authorized Positions from the Authorization Document—The system calculates the total number of required and authorized Soldiers by Military Personnel Classification (that is, Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted) and component. (2) Total Soldiers—The system calculates the total number of Soldiers in the unit categorized by Military Personnel Classification (that is, Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted) and component. (3) Slotted Soldiers—The system calculates the total number of Soldiers who are slotted to an authorization in the unit categorized by Military Personnel Classification (that is, Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted) and component. (4) Unslotted Soldiers—The system calculates the total number of Soldiers who are not slotted to an authorization in the unit categorized by Military Personnel Classification (that is, Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted) and component. 10

11 Slotting SLOTTING This category allows the authorized user to associate one or more Soldiers with filled or unfilled positions by comparing the qualifications of the selected Soldiers with the requirements of the authorization document. NOTE: Under Personnel Accounting, have the students click “slotting” from the picklist, click “Slotting-Authorized Documents” 11

12 Slotting-UIC Selection
NOTE: Have the student from the picklist to select UIC “W30301” NOTE: In certain Units, you may have to ADD (50) to your STUDENT NUMBER. For example (WQ_ _ 22) will look like this (WQ_ _ 72). SN SN a. The Slotting—UIC Selection page allows the authorized user to begin the Slotting process by selecting a UIC and corresponding Document Effective Date. The system will only display the UICs and corresponding Document Effective Dates to which you have access. (1) Expand the UIC picklist and click on the UIC of choice. (2) The system defaults to the current Document Effective Date for the selected UIC. Alternatively, you can select a future Document Effective Date, if one is available, by expanding the corresponding picklist and clicking on the date of choice. (3) Click OK to proceed. The system displays the Slotting—Filter Criteria page. (4) Click Close to exit the Slotting—UIC Selection page without proceeding. The system returns you to the Main Menu. b. For an Active Army (AA) UIC, you will only be allowed to select one UIC and Document Effective Date combination at a time. The system will prevent you from selecting more than one AA UIC/Document Effective Date combination. (1) You have the option to select a future Document Effective Date if one is available and its date is less than 30 days from the date of the current document. (2) For a Multi-Component Unit (MCU) UIC, multiple UIC and Document Effective Date combinations can be selected. (3) The system will ensure that a mobilized Soldier is not on the list of Soldiers to be slotted. NOTE: Have the students click “OK” to proceed. 12

13 Slotting-Filter Criteria
c. The Slotting—Filter Criteria page (shown in Figure 13–32, Slotting—Filter Criteria) allows you to filter Soldiers and authorizations for the selected UIC/Document Effective Date combinations. d. The following filters are required: Soldiers: Unslotted Soldiers, All Soldiers, or Overstrength Soldiers. Only one Soldier filter can be selected at a time. The criteria of Unslotted Soldiers will include Overstrength Soldiers. Grade: E1-E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9, WO, and Officers. Multiple selections can be made in the Grade section. If no Grade is selected, the system will display all grades. (3) The Section text area will display the combination of Para/Line and Paragraph Heading for the selected UIC/Document Effective Date combination for Active Army UICs. For MCU UIC/Document Effective Date selections, a combination of Assign UIC, Para/Line, and Paragraph Heading will be displayed. You can select one or more values. After the filter criteria are selected, click OK to proceed. The system will notify you if the required filter, Soldiers, has not been selected. NOTE: Have the student select “Unslotted Soldiers” under grade, select E1-E4 and E5 and click “OK” 13

14 14 (Slotting-Filter Criteria CONT)
e. To slot an unassigned Soldier, perform the following steps: (1) Select an unassigned Soldier by clicking on the corresponding radio button in the Select column. NOTE: Have the students to select “PLEVA, THOMAS ALLAN” “INCOMING PERSONNEL” (2) View the list of available positions in the Authorizations table. You have the option to edit the Duty Title and Duty Date of the position as necessary. These data elements may be changed before or after an authorization has been selected. (3) Select an authorization/position by clicking on the corresponding radio button in the Select column of the Authorizations table. (4) The system populates a “Y” in the Filled column of the Authorizations table of the corresponding SEQ/POSN selected. (5) The system populates the Slotted SEQ/POSN column on the Soldiers table with the combination of paragraph number, line number, and position number from the Authorization table for the Soldier. “SR NODAL NET SYS OPR-M” NOTE: Have the students to select “SEQ/POSN , BY CLICKING ON THE RADIO BUTTON. If you slot the Soldier to a position already assigned to another Soldier, the system accommodates double slotting by issuing a message that the Soldier is being double slotted. You will have the option to override to not allow the double slotting or to check the option to allow double slotting. NOTE: Inform students when slotting a Soldier with a “BONUS” (BMOS) , he/she must be slotted in a authorized BMOS slot. This can be override by checking the override box. NOTE: Have the student select ”Submit” to proceed. 14

15 Slotting Summary Slotting-Summary
f. The Slotting—Summary page displays the Soldiers who have been slotted or unslotted during the working session. The system will display the slotting data to include the SEQ/POSN. Under the subheading of Soldier, the system displays the Soldier’s Rank, Name, and MOS. Under the subheading of Authorization, the system displays the slotted Rank, Section, Duty Title, Duty Date, Assign UIC, and MOS for those Soldiers successfully processed. The system will also display the counts for the total number of Soldiers processed in the session and total number of Soldiers in the selected UIC, categorized by slotted and unslotted. If you have selected multiple UIC combinations, the system will categorize the Soldier count by UIC, slotted and unslotted. NOTE: Have the students to select “Close” to return to eMILPO Main Menu 15

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