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Be a Blood Detective Miss Taken asked if the scarf belonged to any of the suspects or if they recognised it – but there was no reply. The scarf did not.

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Presentation on theme: "Be a Blood Detective Miss Taken asked if the scarf belonged to any of the suspects or if they recognised it – but there was no reply. The scarf did not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be a Blood Detective Miss Taken asked if the scarf belonged to any of the suspects or if they recognised it – but there was no reply. The scarf did not have a name on it and many pupils in the school owned similar scarves! She decided to find out if she could use stains on the scarf, that looked like blood, to eliminate any of the suspects. All the suspects were seen wearing a scarf on the day her flowers were destroyed - but, when questioned, Jamie Jenkins said he had lost his scarf on the football field. Claire Smith insisted her scarf was in the wash. Dougal Munro swore he had lent his scarf to his brother. Wayne Walker could not remember if he even owned a scarf. Miss Taken found information on blood testing from the internet and thought she could – Use simple chemicals to test if the stain was blood 2.   If it was blood, find the type of blood using a blood testing kit  You will now do these two experiments and hope the results will help find the culprit.

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