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IMPORTANT NOTICES Review sessions (both are in NPB 1001, i.e. here):

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Presentation on theme: "IMPORTANT NOTICES Review sessions (both are in NPB 1001, i.e. here):"— Presentation transcript:

1 IMPORTANT NOTICES Review sessions (both are in NPB 1001, i.e. here): Thursday, Sept. 9th (Hill), 6:15-8:10pm Friday, Sept. 10th (Woodard), 6:15-8:10pm Subject: chapters 1-4 (similar coverage each night) Exam 1 – Mon. Sept. 13, 8:20-10:20pm Chapter 1 and 2 WebAssign homework deadlines are tonight at 11pm (chapter 3 on Friday, 11pm).

2 Chapter 4 - Wednesday September 8th
Class 7 - Motion in 2D and 3D Chapter 4 - Wednesday September 8th 2D/3D Position, displacement, velocity and acceleration Example problem Projectile motion, with demonstrations Example problems Reading: pages 58 thru 70 (chapter 4) in HRW Read and understand the sample problems Assigned problems from Chapter 4: 20, 30, 40, 46, 52, 56, 62 (due on Sunday 12th)

3 Position and displacement
The equations of motion that we introduced in chapter 2 apply equally well in two and three-dimensional motion. All we need to do is to break the motion up into components, and treat each component independently, i.e. we would have two sets of equations in 2D, or three sets in 3D. Position: Coefficients x, y, and z give the particle's coordinates relative to the origin. Displacement:

4 Important note! In chapter 3, you were told that the sum of two displacement vectors is given as follows: Displacement vectors are added graphically by placing the tail of one vector at the head of the other.

5 Important note! Position vectors represent coordinates. The displacement between two position vectors is given as follows: O

6 Average and instantaneous velocity
In component form: Instantaneous velocity: Or:

7 Average and instantaneous acceleration
In component form: Instantaneous acceleration: Or:

8 Projectile motion Motion in a vertical plane where the only influence is the constant acceleration due to gravity. In projectile motion, the horizontal motion and vertical motion are independent of each other, i.e. they do not affect each other. This feature allows us to break the motion into two separate one-dimensional problems: one for the horizontal motion; the other for the vertical motion. We will assume that air resistance has no effect.

9 Examples of projectile

10 Demonstration

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