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TALME Grades 2-5.

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Presentation on theme: "TALME Grades 2-5."— Presentation transcript:

1 TALME Grades 2-5

2 Parent Responsibilities
Allow your child to stay for practice on Wednesdays until 4:00. Students will attend Regional Competition on March 16. Be prepared to attend Superintendent’s Cup on March 26.

3 Team Formation Students will either be on a Primary or Intermediate team. Teams will be formed for practices, but could change. By Feb. 27, teams will be set for Regional competition.

4 Dr. Ross and Mrs. Boswell are responsible for team formation.
Primary teams must have 4-6 members; and the make-up should reflect our school population. No more than 3 PTP students. Intermediate teams must have 4-6 members; and the make-up should reflect our school population. No more than 2 G/T students. Dr. Ross and Mrs. Boswell are responsible for team formation.

5 Academic Challenge Goals
Work with team members to answer challenging questions on all subjects. Represent your school at academic competitions Have fun!

6 Academic Challenge Competition info.
The teams competing through all rounds of the Regional competition will go on to the superintendent’s cup. Winners of this competition receive scholarships for various Kentucky colleges. Individuals in 4 & 5 grade can answer written questions (on demand writing and math/science on demand) to compete for individual scholarships. This is part of the regional competition and all eligible team members are encouraged to participate.

7 Alternates In order to maintain 6 members per team, the alternate program is in place. Mrs. Boswell will select up to 10 alternates from TALME based on participation throughout the year and effort.  These students can be added to at team the day-of competition Alternates have a chance to be added to a team after their own team is “out”. 

8 Help Needed! We can use parents who are interested in helping each week to coach teams. You will be trained and supported. We are in need of parents who can attend practice sometimes. Please indicate on the sign-in sheet if you would like to receive an about helping. We need room coaches the day of competition and proctors for on-demand.

9 Sign up for Remind! Sign up for Remind by to or send an to  You can use your phone or to receive messages from Mrs. Boswell. I will not send more than one message a week unless it is a competition week. Mrs. Boswell's cell number is (859)

10 Questions?

11 Coaches Come to practice on Wednesdays and lead a group in answering questions and strengthening problem solving skills Represent your school and group on the Regional Competition day Be an approved FCPS volunteer Be available to coach your team on March 16 and March 26

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