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Presidents & Vice Presidents

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Presentation on theme: "Presidents & Vice Presidents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presidents & Vice Presidents
District Convention 2015 CNH District Governor, Jacqueline Tsang PRESIDENTS & VICE-PRESIDENTS

2 General Duties Set goals Problem solve Organize Recruit & Retain
Host meetings Communicate Appoint & Delegate Train Succession Monitoring Motivate & Inspire Evaluate Best serve the club

3 Your Commitment Provide for members Lead by Doing Attendance
Club Meetings Service Board Meetings Application Events Data/Updates Communication Delegation

4 Providing for the members
Club meetings Board meetings Events BEEing a role model Data/Updates Delegation

5 Club meetings | Sharing Info
New Business Education International/Division/District Updates Recognition How can we make it better?

6 Getting members to remember
Post agendas Post minutes Project Sheet Power Point Songs

7 Getting members to attend
Food Keynote speaker Stole Requirement Various speakers Service Project Ex: Card making Ice Breakers Music Really serve them Know the members in the club BEE available BEE thankful Ask for ideas/input Create and dispense surveys Keep them informed They are your OHANA Remember they elected you because they TRUST you

8 Officer Meetings Reflections on meetings Planning Reminders
Committees Service projects Providing ideas Delegation Meetings Reminders Open discussions Build relationships Establish open, honest, and constructive relationships with board members - Starting this up can be tough. Be the enabler. Allow Board members to address their concerns with you first. BEE the leader—don’t take it personally. Remember, constructive criticism only enables us to improve, improve, IMPROVE!

9 Caution Always reflect! Timing Noise level Always Prepare

10 Prepare Never miss the opportunity to PREPARE.
Get educated on all things Key Club Board: create an itinerary PREPARED PREPARE for the worst ENJOY Key Club’s professionalism is unique and INTRUIGING. Ensure that officers are prepared. - Make sure they know what they are talking about. Make sure what they are sharing/presenting is purposeful. Make sure they did their homework! They need to go BEYOND “it was an event where we packaged food” PREPARE for the worst - Stay cool, calm, and collected Educate yourself and the officers on all things Key Club Hold a Board meeting the weekend before; create an itinerary Ensure that officers are PREPARED to step up and share when you invite members to present Be loud! Be enthusiastic! ENJOY IT.

11 Providing Events Look towards providing five projects
You can work with Hospitals - Meets/runs Chamber of commerce - City council Local schools - School Kiwanis - Other clubs Big events Long term projects Do projects the members want!

12 Providing Data/Updates
Meetings Google Sheets Google Groups Remind Website Google Forms

13 Communication is KEY Create ing groups for the board and the members Google Groups & Reflectors Always respond to s, phone calls, or texts Remind | Mass, One-Way Texting Platform Always be responding to s, phone calls, or texts - Sometimes a simple acknowledgement is all you need Communicate with Lt. Governor by attending DCMs. Sometimes simply including your Lt. Governor, Faculty, and Kiwanis Advisors in your reflectors is all you need! Make sure they are aware of club happenings. Enable them to show up to events if their time permits

14 Communication is KEY Inform members about upcoming events
Maintain strong Board communication Communicate with Lt. Governor Communicate with Faculty and Kiwanis Advisors

15 Communication Activity
Person A Person 1 Person A tell person 1 how to make a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches as a sample for a future service project

16 Communication Activity
How many of you noted what ingredient to use? Bread? Dietary Needs? Brand? Where to get ingredients? Which store has this ingredient? Two way communication Did person1ask questions?

17 Communication with… MEMBERS BOARD OFFICERS ADVISORS LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR EXECUTIVES MEMBERS Greet the members at the door. Acknowledge everyone. If there is any trouble, be sure to address it. BOARD OFFICERS Many board officers complain, “I wasn’t given any work to do.” Avoid this by assigning tasks to be completed to each officer. Delegation will make your job easier. ADVISORS Advisors have the experience you need. Keep them informed and be willing to listen to their advice. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Your Lt. Governor has valuable information about district events and opportunities and is there to SERVE YOU! EXECUTIVES Have questions or just need someone to talk to? Contact an executive officer: we are always here to help!

18 Providing Delegation Delegations helps make sure everyone has a healthy amount of work to efficiently move the club forward You can delegate Service projects - Sign in Meetings - Attendance Recognition Upkeep of social media

*Include your fellow officers in goal setting SERVICE HOURS MEMBERSHIP FUNDRAISING For learning how to create SMART goals, please stay for the next session *Include your fellow officers in goal setting SERVICE HOURS: Our club will achieve __ service hours per member. MEMBERSHIP: Our club will retain our current membership and raise it by __ members. FUNDRAISING: Our club will contribute $__ to PTP and $__ to the Eliminate Project

20 Lead by Doing | Attendance
Kiwanis meetings Division Council Meetings (DCMs) Service projects Club/Division events, Fall Rally Training conferences Conventions

21 Deadlines Invest in planner Adhere to deadlines Your work effects others Helping you and your future

22 Drama Do not ignore: delays could be damaging to the club
Talk to your Kiwanis/Faculty Advisor Address the problem head on and in a timely manner Always refer to your club’s constitution and bylaws

23 Resources Presidents and Vice Presidents Manual
CNH CyberKey ( Key Club International ( Presidents & Vice Presidents Google Reflector Kiwanis and Faculty Advisor Lt. Governor Executive Officers

24 ? ? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go for it!

25 Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Jacqueline Tsang, CNH Key Club District Governor 14-15

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