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Conventional Facilities (WBS 1

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1 Conventional Facilities (WBS 1
Conventional Facilities (WBS 1.4) David Saenz, Site Engineering & Maintenance April 23, 2002 Systems Description Major Technical Challenges ES&H Issues Cost Estimate Construction Schedule and Critical Path Issues Project Engineering & Design (PED) Strategy LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

2 SLAC Site Plan LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

3 LCLS Site Plan LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

4 Systems Description Systems Description
Injector Support Building/Linac Rework Existing Alcove modifications [185 square meters (~2000 sf)] Upgrade to current building and safety standards New Laser room [140 square meters (<1500 sf)] New Shielding wall Utilities – required to accommodate magnets and vacuum chambers for pulse compressor Power Water Undulator Hall Extension of existing FFTB [40 meters (130’) in length )] Stringent foundation requirements Similar to existing FFTB and will be used as a model Utilities Existing capacities are adequate Modifications to existing distribution systems Stringent requirements for temperature of air and water similar to existing FFTB LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

5 Hall A – General Layout LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002
David Saenz, SEM

6 Hall A – Building Section (view looking west)
LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

7 Systems Description - continued
Hall A [1,580 square meters (17,000 square feet)], single story high bay facility. Ground Floor Experimental enclosures to house x-ray diagnostic equipment Offices Lab space Apparatus staging Prep lab Instrument storage Common storage Shop area Beam Tunnel [3x3 meters x 227 meters in length (10’x10’x745’)] Contains: X-ray beam, via vacuum pipe Controls and timing cables for interface between buildings LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

8 Systems Description - continued
Hall B [1,995 square meters (21,400 square feet)] Ground Floor Experimental enclosures to house x-ray diagnostic equipment Lab space Apparatus staging Prep lab Instrument storage Common storage Shop area Upper Floor Offices Admin Main Lobby Site parking (70 vehicles) LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

9 Hall B – General Layout Ground Floor
LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

10 Hall B – Upper Floor LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

11 Hall B – Building Section (view looking west)
LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

12 Major Technical Challenges
Tunneling Water levels Soil types Details unknown Will validate with geotech data during detailed design Challenges can be handled during detailed design once determined LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

13 ES&H Issues ES&H Issues Site Characterization and Remediation
Waste profiling and disposal Known PCB and lead contamination at NEH and Undulator site Protection of contamination during construction Precautionary measures confining work boundaries Storm Water Abatement Plan and Pollution Prevention Plan Dirt Disposal FEH and Beam Tunnel >1.35M Cubic feet (50K cubic yards) Clean fill NEH ~25K Cubic feet (925 cubic yards) Problem soil LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

14 ES&H Issues - continued
Construction Safety Implement University Technical Representative (UTR) program (SLAC ) Over-site of construction activities for compliance of all applicable Federal and State environmental, safety, health and building codes Subcontractor activities Labor services and/or in-house efforts Implement ES&H Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001) Implement SLAC Construction Safety Program (SLAC -I-730-0A23A-001) Applicable additional safety precautionary measures as applied to tunnel construction Special consideration is being given to the efforts in the Research Yard due to the congestion in the area LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

15 WBS 1.4 Cost Estimate - continued
Methods of determining costs RS Means Building Construction Cost Data 2002 Utilizing CSI Divisions 1-16 respectively SLAC history Similar projects Research Office Bldg – on schedule and under budget ($7.2M) PEP II Project – on schedule and under budget, DOE award Master Substation Upgrade – on schedule and under budget ($12.4M) Stanford University Mechanical Engineering Facility Local job market conditions Assumed construction to have no unusual costs (i.e. standard conventional construction methodologies applied) Contingencies ~ 19% No detailed design Need scope of work signed off by users Soil investigations – geotech study needed LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

16 WBS 1.4 Cost Estimate LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

17 WBS 1.4 Cost Estimate LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

18 Construction Schedule and Critical Path Issues
Conventional Facilities to be completed within a 36 month period Critical Path Issues Research Yard modifications needed prior to start of Near Hall Modify bldg #102 Modify bldg #104 Relocate bldg #212 Build out road modifications Site characterization & remediation Injector Facilities/Linac Facilities - float Schedule based on shutdown availability FFTB Decommissioning LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

19 PED Strategy and Funding Profile FY 03 and 04
PED Strategy Overview Plan Acquisition Strategy Implement an approved system execution plan NEPA approval ES&H assurance ES&H Manual SLAC-I requires project specific information Pre-work Hazard Analysis for each principal activity Title I/Title II documents SLAC in-house engineering in collaboration with selected consultants will perform design activities and prepare all necessary construction documents in compliance with building, safety, SLAC and DOE standards Procurement Design/Bid/Build using RFP/RFQ firm fixed price competitive bid process Construction Collaborative efforts by SLAC and subcontractor personnel in accordance with the Davis-Bacon act All subcontractor efforts will be under the direction of the UTR Operational Testing All work subject to review and approval by UTR and ES&H construction inspectors prior to final acceptance Defective components shall be repaired and/or replaced Security Activities shall have access controlled by temporary construction barriers LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

20 PED Strategy and Funding Profile FY 03 and 04 – cont’d
Quality Assurance Planned and managed consistent with “SLAC Institutional Quality Assurance Program Plan, SLAC-I-770-0A17M-001, prepared in compliance with DOE Order 414.1A, “Quality Assurance” Implemented and monitored by the SLAC ES&H Construction Inspection office Performance Measures Measured against project milestones Monitored in monthly reports Team Development Develop LCLS integrated team Monitor performance measures against approved execution plan Monitor change controls Develop Project Integration Management team as necessary Construction Management team Develop Risk Assessment Plan Scheduling based on Critical Path Method (CPM) Finalize integrated design Risk Assessment Plan shall include such items as : Technology Time Contractor Capabilities Interfaces Safety Environmental Regulatory Involvement Political Visibility Number of Key Participants Complexity Labor Skills, Availability, Productivity Number of locations/ Site access/ Site ownership Funding/Cost Sharing Magnitude/Type of Contamination Quality Requirements Public Involvement LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

21 PED Strategy and Funding Profile FY 03 and 04 – cont’d
Formalize Baseline Establish and Approve “Preliminary Baseline Range” CD-1 for tracking purposes Approve performance baseline CD-2 LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

22 PED Funding Profile FY 03 and FY 04
LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

23 PED Funding Profile FY 03 - $85K
LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

24 PED Funding Profile FY 04 - $1,360K
LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

25 WBS 1.4 Conventional Facilities Organizational Chart
LCLS DOE Review, April 23, 2002 David Saenz, SEM

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