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Thriving Communities Rebekah Sutcliffe Strategic Director of Reform Oldham Council Liz Windsor-Welsh Chief Executive Action Together.

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Presentation on theme: "Thriving Communities Rebekah Sutcliffe Strategic Director of Reform Oldham Council Liz Windsor-Welsh Chief Executive Action Together."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thriving Communities Rebekah Sutcliffe Strategic Director of Reform Oldham Council Liz Windsor-Welsh Chief Executive Action Together

2 Inclusive economy – living wage, living standards, holiday hunger, better standards as well as business Co-operative services – integration, every service, resident, more than H&SC Thriving Communities - health Health and social care for Oldham

3 Programme Overview Social Prescribing Network 6 OLB Projects
Fast Grants Social Action Fund OLB pledge Asset and Place based workforce training Driving asset and place based working New capacity, which will attract funding to the borough, showcase the positive VCFSE work and change our approach to commissioning and whole system change Thriving Communities Index Community asset mapping Community research Case data Outcomes and evaluation It’s a 2.69m programme which deliver in excess of £9m of system benefit Health and social care for Oldham

4 The Thriving Communities Index
Innovative new data product. We drawn in 21 multi-agency indicators at a hyper local level (c2000 pop) Ranging from green space, diabetes to police call outs. Spotlights where we focus our energy as a whole system. -cited by dr foster in a public article as best practice – a leading health analytics company -potential IP to deliver revenue for social value across LG Place Resident Reactive Demand Health and social care for Oldham

5 Thriving Communities and Place
Inclusive economy – living wage, living standards, holiday hunger, better standards as well as business Co-operative services – integration, every service, resident, more than H&SC Thriving Communities - health Health and social care for Oldham

6 Social Prescribing – linking people to ‘more than medical’ care
Live in Oldham West since February, with rollout to 4 other cluster in January 19. 1400 community groups/assets in the wider assets delivering 1.5m interventions. Rapid uplift in referrals in summer. Anticipated release in system pressures; GP Appointments 3818 A&E Attendances 2542 NEL Bed Days 916 Health and social care for Oldham

7 Fast Grants and Social Action Fund
Funding for good ideas for grassroots community groups to improve community, place, health and wellbeing £50-£500 per grant £60k per annum – 130 applications received at launch 20 awarded already Focusing on social isolation and commissioning £850k for 2-4 projects who will focus on reducing loneliness for Oldham residents Other outcomes include improving mental health, physical health and childhood activity SAF Up to £850,000 2 to 3 bids over a 3 year period Address social isolation and loneliness and GM and Oldham Cares outcomes Focus on new delivery approaches and transformation Collaborative bids encouraged Application process to commence October/Nov 2018 Health and social care for Oldham

8 Will be replaced if video content is to standard
Case Study Rani is 27 years old, has a 1yr old, and is pregnant, moved to Oldham from India when she married her husband 3 years ago, and has recently lost her husband. Has been to the GP about low mood and physical aches and pains – GP referred via postcard to Social Prescriber. Rani is now accessing mental health / bereavement support, Knitting and sewing women's groups, reducing her social isolation, and is accessing parent and toddler activities. Rani’s next steps are enrolling on a lifelong learning course and exploring employment opportunities with Get Oldham Working. Health and social care for Oldham

9 Case Study Show Video Health and social care for Oldham

10 Thanks
Health and social care for Oldham

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