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Unit 7 Words 11-20 By: Lindsey Savill.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 7 Words 11-20 By: Lindsey Savill."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 7 Words 11-20 By: Lindsey Savill

2 Menial SUFFIX: -ial HIGHLIGHT:
(adjective) Humble, lacking importance or dignity (noun) a person who does the humble and unpleasant tasks

3 Parry SUFFIX: -y HIGHLIGHT: (verb) fend off
(noun) a defensive movement in fencing and other sports

4 Predatory PREFIX: -pre SUFFIX: -ory HIGHLIGHT: (adjective) preying on

5 Ravage SUFFIX: -age HIGHLIGHT: (verb) to destroy
(noun) ruinous damage, destruction

6 Stance SUFFIX: -ance HIGHLIGHT: (noun) a way of holding the body

7 Tawdry HIGHLIGHT: (adjective) showy and flashy but lacking in good taste

8 Turncoat HIGHLIGHT: (noun) a person who switches to an opposing side or party

9 Unassuming PREFIX: -un SUFFIX: -ing HIGHLIGHT: (adjective) modest

10 Wallow HIGHLIGHT: (verb) to roll about in a lazy, clumsy, or helpless way (noun) a wet, muddy, or dusty area used by animals as a sort of bath; a state of moral or physical collapse

11 Waver SUFFIX: -er HIGHLIGHT: (verb) become unsteady (Synonym) hesitate

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