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Dominant or Recessive Which is more common in a population?

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Presentation on theme: "Dominant or Recessive Which is more common in a population?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dominant or Recessive Which is more common in a population?

2 Go to page R 20 in your ISN Entitle it CER-Which Allele is More Common in a Population

3 CLAIM (What allele is more common in a population?)
EVIDENCE (What data and/or observations support your claim?) REASONING (A logical conclusion between the claim and your evidence)

4 Trait Dimples Present 6 Absent 21 Hairline Widow’s Peak 7 Straight 20
Earlobes Free 24 Attached 3 2nd Toe Length Long 5 Short 22 Freckles Hitchhiker’s Thumb 16 11 PTC Taster Taster 19 Non-Taster 8

5 Dimples Present Absent

6 Hairline Straight Widow’s Peak

7 Earlobes Free Attached

8 Second Toe Length Long Short

9 Freckles Present Absent

10 Hitchhiker’s Thumb Absent Present

11 PTC Taster Taster Non-Taster


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