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Author Sahal Salah Abdulrahman

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1 Author Sahal Salah Abdulrahman
Evidence for and Limitations of Accountability at Public Universities: A Case Study of the University of Burao Author Sahal Salah Abdulrahman

2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: Study employed a qualitative research technique, specifically a case study. Qualitative data collection: Researcher administered a questionnaire to five Key Informants drawn from the university’s top officials and undertook two Focus Group Discussions for selected staff from different offices/departments.

3 RESEARCH FINDINGS: An accountability relationship that involves two parties with certain obligations exists in the University of Burao. Selected board of trustees (BOT) appoint the Vice Chancellor and Deputy Vice Chancellor to run university activities It produces three popular financial statements followed by an auditor’s report which makes them trustworthy to all stakeholders, and a report from the Vice Chancellor. It has an organizational structure that promotes

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