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French Revolution Chpt 7, sec 1, 2.

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1 French Revolution Chpt 7, sec 1, 2

2 Old Regime: social and political system of France.
1770’s in France Old Regime: social and political system of France. Social classes are called Estates, there are 3 levels.

3 The 3 Estates 2nd Estate: the rich nobles
1st Estate :Clergy ( Leaders of the Catholic Church) Owned 10% of land, paid 2% taxes. Provided education and relief services to the poor. 2nd Estate: the rich nobles Only 2% of population, owned 20-25% of land. Paid almost no taxes.


5 3rd Estate: everyone else
Divided into 3 groups, each paid almost half of their income in taxes. Low wages Frequently out of work. 36 million people of the 3rd estate were peasants. All of 3rd Estate resented 1st and 2nd. Had little voice in government.

6 What leads to Revolution?
1. Economic Problems Bad harvest drives up cost of food. High taxes to pay off debt incurred by Nobility. 2. Weak Leadership: Louis XVI He meant well, but was not good at making decisions. 3. Enlightenment ideas. New views about power and authority in Government causes 3rd estate to question structure of society.

7 Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Marry
Marie Antoinette known as Madame Deficit. Spent lots of money, gambled, held parties while people were starving. Rumors were continually repeated, most not close to be truthful.

8 While the French people continue to starve…
Petit Trianon Originally built for a mistress of Louis VX, Louis XVI bought for Marie Antoinette, While the French people continue to starve…

9 Louis XVI is out of money
Impose taxes on the nobility. Forced to call a meeting of the Estates General to approve new tax.

10 1st & 2nd Estate always out voted 3rd Estate.
Fueled by Enlightenment ideas, 3rd Estate demanded changes in Government. King refuses, sides with Nobles. National Assembly: formed by delegates of 3rd Estate. Proclaim end to absolute monarchy, begins representative government. 1st deliberate act of revolution

11 National Assembly locked out
Tennis Court Oath: pledge made by National Assembly. Stay and write new constitution. Some clergy and nobles favored reform, and joined National Assembly Louis, in fear, stations mercenary Swiss guards around Versailles.

12 More RUMORS *Louis was going to use military to dismiss National Assembly. *Foreign troops were coming to massacre Paris citizens. Panic sets in. Search for weapons in the Bastille (prison)

13 Storming the Bastille Citizens break into Bastille searching for weapons. Kill guards and parade through the streets with the dead guards head on spikes. Becomes symbolic act of Revolution. (Like our 4th of July)

14 “The Declaration of Rights of Man and of the citizen.”
Privileges of 1st and 2nd Estate removed. All men are equal in government. “men are born free and remain free and equal in rights.” Influenced by the Declaration of Independence.

15 New Constitution of France limits power of Monarchy
Takes away almost all power of Louis XVI. Creates new Legislative Assembly Legislative Assembly: power to create laws and approve or reject declaration of war. Problems still exist in France, Assembly argues over how to fix them.

16 MEN are equal…not women
Olympe de Gouges: Published a declaration of the rights of women …declared enemy of the Revolution and executed.

17 State controlled church
Assembly takes control of church lands. Money earned from selling Church lands to pay off France's debt. Church officials and priest to be elected and paid official's. Many peasants oppose these reforms.

18 Rebellion spread from Paris to countryside
RUMORS…yes…again *Nobles hiring outlaws to terrorize peasants. Great Fear: peasants panic, break into homes of nobility destroying property. Burn homes.

19 Rising Bread Prices March on Versailles: Thousands of women march to Versailles, break into the palace, kill some of the guards, demand Louis and family return to Paris.

20 Louis and Family attempt to escape to Austria.
Émigré’s: nobles and others who fled France during revolution. Many supporters of monarchy leave country. Warn Louis he and family are in danger. Caught at border and forced to return.

21 Some want Radical Changes, others want to restore Monarchy
Sans Culottes: radicals who wanted Revolution to bring greater changes. “Those without knee Britches”

22 Other Country and Kings watch France
After being pressured to restore Louis to his throne, France declares war on Austria and Prussia. Prussia threatens to destroy Paris if Royal family is harmed.

23 Louis, Marie, and Children are taken as prisoners.
20,000 men and women invade home of Royal family, kill the guards, and put them Royal family in prison. September Massacre of imprisoned nobles, priest, and royal sympathizers.

24 Jacobins Radical organization who called for death of all those who supported the King. Louis XVI tried for treason, found guilty, and executed.

25 France still at war Prussia, Austria, Spain, Great Britain, Holland.
France drafts 300,000 French citizens between ages of 18-40, including women.

26 Besides war, many enemies within Paris.
Peasants horrified by the King’s execution. Priest who would not accept Government control. Rival leaders stirring up rebellion throughout France. How to contain and control these enemies?

27 Maximillian Robespierre
Jacobin leader gained power to build a “republic of virtue.” Wipe out all traces of France’s past. Changed calendar to get rid of Sundays because religion was old fashioned and dangerous. Renamed each month.

28 Robespierre continued…
Leader of Committee of Public Safety. Ruled France as a dictator during Reign of Terror

29 Reign of Terror Period of time Robespierre ruled France as leader of Committee of Public Safety. Enemies tried in the morning, executed in the afternoon. 85% were peasants, whom the revolution was to have helped.

30 Reign of Terror Continued…
Anyone who challenged him was considered an enemy. 40,000 people executed during his reign. (2 years) 85% were peasants whom the revolution was to have helped.

31 1794, National Assembly turns on Robespierre
Demand his arrest and execution, sent to the guillotine. People tired of fear, tired of high prices for food and other necessities. New Government planned (3rd in 5 yrs.) also crooked, but somewhat ordered. Enter Napoleon Bonaparte.

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