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Welcome to today’s Jeopardy Game!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to today’s Jeopardy Game!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to today’s Jeopardy Game!
Please read the directions below: Directions: Divide class into four different groups. Have each team create a name for their team. On the board create a chart to keep scores with each teams team at the top of the chart. Ask for a student volunteer to keep score. Have a team pick a category and a point value. Next click on this category and point value. Read the slide to the students and allow them to answer. Teachers may want to set a time limit. Allow the team to guess. If they do not answer correctly do not give them the points. If the team does answer correctly give them the points. Next, move your mouse to the pink arrow at the bottom left of the slide. Click on the arrow to take you back to the home page. The category and point value that was already selected will turn blue (therefore, you know not to click on that question again). Continue to give each group a turn until all the points have been selected. Add up the total amount of points for each team to see how the winner is (student volunteer should be keeping score throughout the entire game).

2  EGG-cellent!  10 20 30 40 50 Vocabulary Cooking Methods
Nutrition and Food Science Function 1 Grade/Size 10 20 30 40 50

3 What is the topping on this pie called?
A meringue (Fluffy mixture of beaten egg white and sugar that my be soft or hard)

4 Define the term “coagulum”.
Soft clumps that form when eggs are cooked

5 Explain the difference between: -Weeping -Beading
Weeping- the layer of moisture that sometimes forms between a meringue and a pie filling Beading – Golden droplets that appear on the surface of a meringue

6 Explain what a custard is.
Mixture of milk, eggs, sugar and flavoring that is baked until firm of stirred and cooked until thickened

7 Define the term “emulsion” and give me an example of a temporary and perminate emulsion.
Mixture that forms when oil and water-based liquid are combined. Ex. Temporary – Oil and vinegar Ex. Permanent – Mayo (egg yolk)

8 How do you make a hard cooked (boiled) egg?
Put eggs in pot, cover with cold water, bring to a boil , cover with lid, take off burner immediately and let sit for 13 minutes

9 True or False. You can cook an egg in it’s shell in the microwave.

10 Name four cooking methods to cook eggs.
Poaching, Frying, Scrambling, Baking, Soft cooked, hard cooked

11 Which stages are these eggs in?
Foamy stage – bubbles and and foam on surface Soft peak stage- egg whites have reached full volume and have peaks that bend at the tips Stiff peaks- the peaks stand straight up

12 What is syneresis and in what egg recipe is it likely to occur?
Syneresis is the liquid gel that leaks sometimes in Baked Custard

13 Do eggs contain cholesterol? Is this good or bad for you?
Yes, they contain cholesterol and it is bad for you. If you eat a lot of egg think about using some egg beater or not using all the yolks.

14 True or False. The color of the egg shell is a sign of quality.
False; only the breed affects the quality of an egg in it’s yolk (not the shell)

15 Explain two facts about egg Beaters.
They contain no egg yolk The cost three times as much as fresh eggs ¼ cup egg beaters is equal to one egg Can use them in place of raw eggs

16 Why are eggs used as thickeners in recipes?
Because when the egg is heated the egg proteins coagulate (thicken). Used in recipes like: sauces, custards, puddings.

17 How are eggs used as binding and Interfering agents?
Eggs act as binding agents that hold together the ingredients in foods such as meat and croquettes. Frozen desserts like ice cream and sherbet stay creamy because of eggs in them act as interfering agents. The eggs prohibit the formation of large ice crystals.

18 True or False. You can substitute two
Egg whites for one whole egg when cooking. True

19 True or False. Eggs do not add Nutrition to recipes, they only
Add structure. False. They do add nutrition as well as structure.

20 Explain how cooking time can affect the coagulation process.
Cooking egg proteins too long can cause them to lose moisture and shrink. When using high temperature and looking cooking times, moisture and shrinkage Become even greater. (Also, if extra ingredients, such as liquids are used the coagulation decreases)

21 If you wanted to check for the Safe internal temperature of an egg
Recipe the thermometer should Read ______? 160 degrees F Or 71 C

22 List four functions of eggs in A recipe.
Color, taste/flavor, structure, binding/interfering, thickeners

23 Yes or No. Are Grade B eggs sold in Stores?
Yes, grade B eggs are sold in stores

24 Recipes are designed to use what Size egg?
Medium or Large

25 Explain the most common egg size And
Explain the most common egg grades Sizes: Extra large, large, and medium Grades: Grade AA, A, or B

26 List four factors that are used To determine egg grades
Condition of shell, size of air cell, clearness and thickness of egg white, and condition of yolk

27 Explain how a Grade AA egg Would appear.
A grade AA egg has a clean, unbroken shell and a small air cell. When broken into a dish it has a thick, clear white that covers a small area. The yolk stands high above the white.

28 Key Vocabulary 10pts- Meringue. Fluffy mixture of beaten egg white and sugar that my be soft or hard 20pts-Soft clumps that form when eggs are cooked 30pts-Weeping- the layer of moisture that sometimes forms between a meringue and a pie filling Beading – Golden droplets that appear on the surface of a meringue 40pts-Mixture of milk, eggs, sugar and flavoring that is baked until firm of stirred and cooked until thickened 50pts-Mixture that forms when oil and water-based liquid are combined. Ex. Temporary – Oil and vinegar Ex. Permanent – Mayo (egg yolk) Cooking Methods 10pts-Put eggs in pot, cover with cold water, bring to a boil , cover with lid, take off burner immediately and let sit for 13 minutes 20pts-False 30pts-Poaching, Frying, Scrambling, Baking, Soft cooked, hard cooked 40pts-Foamy stage – bubbles and and foam on surface Soft peak stage- egg whites have reached full volume and have peaks that bend at the tips Stiff peaks- the peaks stand straight up 50pts-Syneresis is the liquid gel that leaks sometimes in Baked Custard

29 Key Nutrition and Food Science
10pts-Yes, they contain cholesterol and it is bad for you. If you eat a lot of egg think about using some egg beater or not using all the yolks. 20pts-False; only the breed affects the quality of an egg in it’s yolk (not the shell) 30pts-They contain no egg yolk, they cost three times as much as fresh eggs, ¼ cup egg beaters is equal to one egg, can use them in place of raw eggs 40pts-Because when the egg is heated the egg proteins coagulate (thicken). Used in recipes like: sauces, custards, puddings. 50pts-Eggs act as binding agents that hold together the ingredients in foods such as meat and croquettes. Frozen desserts like ice cream and sherbet stay creamy because of eggs in them act as interfering agents. The eggs prohibit the formation of large ice crystals. Function 1 10pts- True 20pts. They do add nutrition as well as structure. 30pts- Cooking egg proteins too long can cause them to lose moisture and shrink. When using high temperature and looking cooking times, moisture and shrinkage Become even greater. (Also, if extra ingredients, such as liquids are used the coagulation decreases) 40pts- 160 degrees F Or 71 C 50pts- Color, taste/flavor, structure, binding/interfering, thickeners Grade/Size 10pts-Yes, grade B eggs are sold in stores 20pts-Medium or Large 30pts-Sizes: Extra large, large, and medium Grades: Grade AA, A, or B 40pts-Condition of shell, size of air cell, clearness and thickness of egg white, and condition of yolk 50pts- A grade AA egg has a clean, unbroken shell and a small air cell. When broken into a dish it has a thick, clear white that covers a small area. The yolk stands high above the white.

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