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PERSONA for …… ADD PHOTO HERE “Insert a quote from the persona here.”

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Presentation on theme: "PERSONA for …… ADD PHOTO HERE “Insert a quote from the persona here.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 PERSONA for …… ADD PHOTO HERE “Insert a quote from the persona here.”
ENTER THE PERSONA’s JOB TITLE About Qualifications: In one line, describe the persona’s work experience (e.g., 3 years as a Project Manager with a major CPG company) Work environment: Where does the persona work? One location? Multiple? Indoor? Outdoor? Equipment: What devices does the persona use? Works with… Internal: List any internal people or teams with whom the persona works, reports to, has as direct reports, etc. External: List any key external people, teams, or partners Main Goals Describe the first main goal of the persona. This should detail specific job- related work that are critical to the role. Insert the second main goal of the persona. Insert the third main goal of the persona. …add more goals, if applicable… Job Responsibilities Provide specific details of one main responsibility of the role. Insert details of a second job responsibility. Insert details of a third job responsibility. Insert details of a fourth job responsibility. Insert details of a fifth job responsibility. …add more responsibilities, if applicable… Needs Provide a detailed description of one need the persona is experiencing related to his/her work Insert details of a second need. Insert details of a third need. …add more needs, if applicable… Pain Points Describe one key challenge faced by the persona in his/her work. Insert details of a second key challenge. Insert details of a third key challenge. Insert details of a fourth key challenge. …add more pain points, if applicable… Insert name of the project / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 0 / Persona Template

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