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Simultaneous Wavelength Conversion and

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1 Simultaneous Wavelength Conversion and
Signal Detection in a Traveling-wave Electroabsorption Modulator Hsu-Feng Chou and John E. Bowers Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of California, Santa Barbara Chip-Scale WDM Program University of California Santa Barbara 04/25/2003

2 Objective » Investigate integration of traveling-wave electroabsorption modulator (TW-EAM) into InP platform  Integrated SOA for total loss compensation  Integrated mode-converter for coupling loss reduction » Investigate wavelength conversion using TW-EAM with electrical monitoring capability  Adding monitoring capabilities to the two-stage SOA-IWC » Investigate integration of traveling-wave electroabsorption modulator (TW-EAM) into InP platform  Integrated SOA for total loss compensation  Integrated mode-converter for coupling loss reduction » Investigate wavelength conversion using TW-EAM with electrical monitoring capability  Adding monitoring capabilities to the two-stage SOA-IWC Chip-Scale WDM Program University of California Santa Barbara 1

3 Two-Stage SOA-IWC 2 University of California Chip-Scale WDM Program
Santa Barbara 2

4 TW-EAM as 1st stage WC with electrical monitoring capability
Two-Stage SOA-IWC TW-EAM as 1st stage WC with electrical monitoring capability Chip-Scale WDM Program University of California Santa Barbara 2

5 Traveling-Wave Electroabsorption Modulator (TW-EAM)
» Traveling-wave Electrodes: -Overcome RC Limitation -Longer Device, Higher Extinction Ratio, Lower Driving Power -Flexible Microwave Design » Characteristics: > 20 dB/V Between 0V and 2V > 47 dB Maximum Extinction Ratio < 1 Vpp Driving Voltage for 10 Gb/s Active Waveguide Length: 300 mm Chip-Scale WDM Program University of California Santa Barbara 3

6 Prior Art of Wavelength Conversion Using Lumped-Element EAM
» Utilize Cross-Absorption Modulation (XAM) induced by photo- generated carriers through screening of the external electrical field and band filling » High input power (16~20dBm) required to saturate < 100 mm device » Extracted RF signal was demonstrated to recover electrical clock* *T. Miyazaki et al., OFC’99, paper WM53-1 Chip-Scale WDM Program University of California Santa Barbara 4

7 Photocurrent-Assisted Wavelength Conversion in TW-EAM
New Mechanism » Problems of Prior Art:  High input power is required to saturate absorption (XAM)  Electrical monitoring of signal was not demonstrated » New Mechanism for WC:  Saturation is not required for XAM (lower input power)  Capability of electrical signal monitoring » Problems of Prior Art:  High input power is required to saturate absorption (XAM)  Electrical monitoring of signal was not demonstrated » New Mechanism for WC:  Saturation is not required for XAM (lower input power)  Capability of electrical signal monitoring Photocurrent-Assisted Wavelength Conversion in TW-EAM NEW Chip-Scale WDM Program University of California Santa Barbara 5

8 Photocurrent-Assisted Wavelength Conversion
Principle of Operation Photocurrent-Assisted Wavelength Conversion Chip-Scale WDM Program University of California Santa Barbara 6

9 How can it be possible? 7 » Typical Values Input NRZ Power: 10 mW
Responsivity: 0.4 A/W Impedance: 25 Ohm Modulation Efficiency: 24 dB/V » Extinction = 10 mW * 2 * 0.4 A/W * 25 Ohm * 24 dB/V = 200 mV * 24 dB/V = 4.8 dB Chip-Scale WDM Program University of California Santa Barbara 7

10 2.5 Gb/s NRZ Conversion: Configurations
(Sampling Scope) = -0.45V Open Open Termination 50 Ohm Termination Chip-Scale WDM Program University of California Santa Barbara 8

11 2.5 Gb/s NRZ from LiNbO3 modulator
2.5 Gb/s NRZ Conversion: Input Eye Diagram 2.5 Gb/s NRZ from LiNbO3 modulator Chip-Scale WDM Program University of California Santa Barbara 9

12 2.5 Gb/s NRZ Conversion: Output Eye Diagram
Chip-Scale WDM Program University of California Santa Barbara 10

13 Summary and Future Work
» Integration of TW-EAM into InP platform and adding electrical monitoring capability to two-stage SOA-IWC » Preliminary result shows proof of principle of photo- current-assisted wavelength conversion in TW-EAM at 2.5 Gb/s » Issues and future works:  Improve efficiency and extinction ratio  Reduce pattern dependence  Investigate fundamental limitations  BER measurements at 2.5 Gb/s RZ and NRZ  Analog performance testing Chip-Scale WDM Program University of California Santa Barbara 11

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