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Chapter II Klein Gordan Field Lecture 3 Books Recommended:

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1 Chapter II Klein Gordan Field Lecture 3 Books Recommended: Lectures on Quantum Field Theory by Ashok Das A First Book of QFT by A Lahiri and P B Pal

2 Energy Eigenstates Consider the normal ordered Hamiltonian ---(1) Consider the energy eigen state We write (2) Assuming is normalized.

3 Expectation of energy will be
----(3) Which shows that the energy has to be Positive in 2nd quantized theory.

4 Recall following commutation relations
for (4) We can write ----(5) Which shows annihilation operator lower the Energy Eigen value ---(6)

5 Similarly, creation operator lowers the energy
Eigen value ---(7) Also, we can write -----(8)

6 For minimum energy state
----(9) which is the ground state or vacuum state |0>. ----(10)

7 General Eigen state of higher energy
---(11) Above states are Eigen states of number operator and states are denoted as -----(12)

8 State given in (12) is eigen state of total
number operator ----(13)

9 Eq (13) can be proved using
---(14) From which we get -----(15)

10 The way we have definition of Hamiltonian
--(16) We can define momentum ----(17) Operating H on (13), we get -----(18)

11 Operating P on (13), -----(19) Thus, we have from (18) and (19) ----(20)

12 Physical meaning of energy eigenstates
Consider state -----(21) This satisfy ------(22)

13 We can write, (using 22) (33) Which is a one particle state with four momentum In general we can write

14 Consider the operation of field operator on
Vacuum ---(35) Also, we can write, when we have vaccum state On both states ----(36)

15 Non-zero matrix element, involving vacuum
states, ---(37) Which represent the projection of along . This satisfy (38)

16 is solution of Klein Gordon eq and we
can show -----(39)

17 In Quantum mechanics we write wave function
As ----(40) Single particle state ---(41) For multiparticle state ------(42) Above states are symmetric under exchange of particle and thus, describe Bose particles.


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