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Aim: Why do we need government?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Why do we need government?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Why do we need government?

2 3 minutes Step #1 Do Now: As you watch the clip from Cast Away (2000), pay close attention to the surrounding and jot down anything that could be used as a resource to survive.

3 2 minutes Step #2 Get into your team! Team A Team B

4 How will this help you survive?
5 minutes Step #3 Grab as many resources as you can from the classroom and complete the table below by including all the resources you can use to survive (include anything from step#1 as well). Everyone in the team MUST AGREE with how each item will be used to survive. If you cannot agree on how one item will be used do NOT include it on the table. Resource Who will use the item? How will this help you survive?

5 5 minutes Step #4 Who was the one person in the team that was more active in helping and making decisions or acting as a ‘leader’ of the team? What could happen if no one is in charge or responsible for decision making? What could happen if there is no agreement between all members of the team? What was the only way for the team to survive?

6 What was the only way for the team to survive?

7 Congratulations! government Social Contract… you just made a
you created a government

8 Social Contract The Social Contract is an agreement by the members of society. It is a contract citizens make with each other to accept the rule of central authority (a government). The minority accepts the majority decision.

9 TASK: In your teams, read the text and complete one side of the graphic organizer.

10 Why do we need government?
Closure: Why do we need government?

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