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Omnibus IV Contracting Strategy Michael D’Alessandro

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1 Omnibus IV Contracting Strategy Michael D’Alessandro
UNCLASSIFIED Omnibus IV Contracting Strategy Michael D’Alessandro Contracting Officer 7 December 2016 UNCLASSIFIED

2 Agenda Special Contract Requirements (Section H)
UNCLASSIFIED Agenda Special Contract Requirements (Section H) Address industry concerns Instructions to Offerors (Section L) Evaluation Factors for Award (Section M) UNCLASSIFIED 2

3 H.1 Task Order Ordering Procedures
The Government will either issue a Performance Work Statement (PWS)/Statement of Work (SOW) describing specific work and data items required, anticipated performance period; or Statement Objectives (SOO) that describes the overall task order performance objectives. The Government reserves the right to identify Best Value (Tradeoff Process or LPTA) evaluation method. Contractors may choose whether or not to submit a proposal in response to a task order RFP

4 H.1 Task Order Ordering Procedures Cont.
Omnibus IV IDIQ contract holders may team or subcontract with other contractors at the task order level. The Government may reserve the right to utilize option periods at the task order level. In the instance options are considered, it will be clearly identified in each task order request for proposal. Option periods shall not exceed 60 months beyond the last ordering period.

5 H.7 Contractor’s Key Personnel
Critical to the successful performance of future task orders. Key Personnel are designated as a Program Manager, a Senior Scientist, and a G&A Specialist. Shall be employees of the prime contractor unless stated at the task order level. The Contractor shall submit a resume of its Key Personnel with the Technical proposal in accordance with Section L.

6 H.9 Open Season On-Ramping
The objective of an on-ramp is to maintain competitive sources and/or to obtain access to additional capabilities. During an open season, Offerors who are not already an IDIQ contract holder may be eligible. Current IDIQ contract holders shall not submit a proposal.

7 H.10 Off-Ramping The Government reserves the unilateral right to Off-Ramp non-performing Contractors. Off-ramping methods may result from one of the following conditions: Permitting the Contractor’s Omnibus IV Contract term to expire Debarment, Suspension, or Ineligibility Termination Failing to meet the contract standards of performance, deliverables, or compliances. A mutual agreement to reduce administrative burden and costs Cost overruns, unsatisfactory performance ratings, or have not met small business participation commitments within 5%

8 L.3 Proposal Volumes Volume Title Page Limitations Format Submission
Cover Letter 3 MS Word of PDF I Technical 20 II Past Performance 15 III Cost/Price No Page Limit MS Excel

9 L.3.1 Cover Letter Offerors shall submit a cover letter on company letterhead. The cover letter shall not exceed three (3) pages. Included in the cover letter point of contact small or large business Affirmative statement Authority Agree to terms OCI Statement Valid for 365 Days

10 L.4.1 Volume I - Technical The Technical Volume of the Offeror’s proposal shall include one (1) section for each of the following: Corporate Management Cost Management Corporate Experience

11 L.4.1 Corporate Management
Detailed corporate management approach at the Omnibus IV IDIQ level, to include the following: Organizational structure Vital corporate personnel Communication strategies Approach for managing, overseeing, and executing cost, schedule, and performance Understanding medical research described in SOO in Section C Offeror shall provide resumes of key personnel, as outlined in Section H.

12 L.4.1 Cost Management Describe previous experience (completed, not completed, or ongoing projects) implementing cost control methodologies. Describe approach to implement cost control methodologies on future Omnibus IV orders, and identify how the Offeror anticipates cost savings and/or cost avoidance will be achieved.

13 L.4.1 Corporate Experience
Offerors shall submit five (5) examples of Government or Commercial contracts or task orders to demonstrate corporate experience performing the types of services required in the statement of objectives (SOO) for military or commercial medical research services. Offerors are NOT required to demonstrate experience in all areas of the Omnibus IV statement of objectives. Experience shall be demonstrated in at least one area of the Omnibus IV statement of objectives.

14 L.4.2 Volume II - Past Performance
Offerors shall submit five (5) recent and relevant past performance examples. Offerors are NOT required to demonstrate experience in all areas of the Omnibus IV statement of objectives. Experience shall be demonstrated in at least one area of the Omnibus IV statement of objectives.

15 L.4.3. Volume III - Cost / Price
For Cost/Price proposals, Offerors shall use the Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet in Section J. Propose CPFF and FFP ceiling rates (Government Site and Contactor Site) for Key Personnel identified in Section H Template automatically calculates ceiling rates for years 2-6. Ceiling rates only applicable to task order/CLINs placed on a sole source basis or when adequate price competition is not anticipated. Not applicable when adequate price competition is anticipated. Identify Adequate Accounting System for CFPP eligibility.

16 M.1 Basis for Award The Government intends to make multiple awards of IDIQ contracts to the Offeror(s) whose proposal(s) represents the Best Value to the Government by applying the Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) source selection process described in FAR LPTA is considered to be the proposal(s) that are rated technically acceptable with cost/price evaluated to be both reasonable and realistic.

17 M.1 Basis for Award cont. Must satisfy the Government’s minimum requirements to be considered “Acceptable”. All Offeror’s whose cost/price proposal have been determined to be both reasonable and realistic will be considered to be “Lowest (Evaluated) Price”.

18 M.2 Evaluation Methodology
The Government will assess all responsive proposals against the solicitation requirements and criteria defined by the evaluation factors below. Technical Past Performance Cost/ Price

19 M.2.1 Factor I - Technical Each of the three (3) sections within the Technical Factor will be rated as “Acceptable” or “Unacceptable” in accordance with the definitions below. An “Unacceptable” rating for any section will result in Factor I – Technical being “Unacceptable” and will preclude an Offeror from contract award. Adjectival Rating Description Acceptable Proposal meets the requirements of the solicitation Unacceptable Proposal does not meet the requirements of the solicitation

20 M.2.2 Factor II - Past Performance
First, the Government will evaluate proposed past performance to determine relevancy and assign a relevancy rating. Second, the Government will evaluate the proposed past performance to determine how well the contractor performed on the contracts and assign a performance confidence rating.

21 M.2.3 Factor II - Cost /Price
The Government will evaluate each Offeror’s cost proposal for completeness, price reasonableness and cost realism in accordance with FAR Cost/Price analysis will not be performed for a proposal deemed technically Unacceptable.

22 M.2.3 Factor II - Cost /Price cont.
Completeness The Offeror’s cost proposal will be considered complete if all requirements in Section L have been satisfied. Reasonableness and Realism: Cost/price analysis using one or more methods listed under FAR (b) will be used to ensure that the awarded contracts will result in reasonable and realistic prices.

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