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EEA 2007/2008 activities on climate change and water

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1 EEA 2007/2008 activities on climate change and water
2nd Meeting of the Strategic Steering Group on Climate Change and Water 25 January 2008

2 Is this the future situation in European waters?

3 EEA 2007 activities Feb.07: Climate change and water adaptation issues. Technical report No 2/2007 www for Time to Adapt! Climate Change and the European Water Dimension Work on 2008 EEA/JRC/WHO Climate change impact report (more water indicators) Nov. 08: EIONET workshop on climate change vulnerability, impacts and adaptation

4 EEA 2007: Climate change and water adaptation issues
This report aims to evaluate the implications of the need to adapt to climate change for water resource policy and regulation across Europe, assess the strengths and weaknesses of current policies and regulations, and describe progress and activities in European countries.

5 2008 climate change impact report Update of EEA 2004 Climate change impact report
Target audience: policymakers and (informed) public Present past and projected climate change and impacts Identify sectors and regions most vulnerable with high need for adaptation Increase awareness of need for adaptation and global/EU mitigation Highlight the need for enhanced monitoring, data collection and dissemination, and reduce uncertainties Indicator categories: Atmosphere and climate Cryosphere Marine and coast Terrestrial ecosystems, biodiversity Agriculture and forestry Water quantity, river flows, floods, drought Water quality and freshwater ecology Human health Economic sectors Launch: Sep 2008

6 Indicator: Lake and river temperature
Higher air temperatures lead to higher water temperatures. During last century the water temperature of European rivers and lakes has increased by 1-3 °C

7 EEA 2008 Climate change impact report Indicators
Water quantity River Discharge (Stream-Flow) Water demand Hydropower and power plants Floods Droughts & water scarcity Groundwater – aquifer recharge Water quality and freshwater ecology Lake and river temperature Lake and river ice coverage Chemical composition Nutrient load/Water quality Water color Freshwater ecology Phenology Northward movement

8 EIONET workshop on climate change vulnerability, impacts and adaptation EEA, Copenhagen, November 2007 Workshop objective: (1) To establish a Europe-wide EIONET network of national experts in support of sharing data and assessment of climate change vulnerability, impacts, and adaptation practices, and (2) To contribute to scoping EEA’s multi-annual strategy within this area of work. Parallel sessions: Biodiversity; Water quantity & quality; Economic issues; Spatial planning and governance; regional impacts and vulnerability (coastal areas, mountains, the Mediterranean and the Semi-Arctic) Information from workshop available at

9 Main recommendations for 2008 and EEA Strategy (2009-2013)
Enhance information sharing and communication: facilitator on collecting and disseminating data and information (e.g. Clearing House) Support to national impacts / vulnerability assessments & adaptation plans (guidance, e.g. on definitions and methodology) Indicators on impacts & vulnerability and adaptation (initial development) More country-level and trans-national information on adaptation actions - Review of actions in countries and good practices, and country comparisons. Analysis of effectiveness of adaptation actions (ex-post analysis). Avoiding maladaptation

10 General climate change: EEA planned 2008 products on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation
Support EU policy development on adaptation (e.g. White Paper) Continue networking with main clients and partners, e.g. second EIONET Workshop in 2008 Publish technical report on costs of inaction and adaptation, further work on costs of adaptation, exploring approaches to include country specific information Publish indicator based assessment report on impacts of climate change in Europe in 2008 (update of 2004) and also on the web Develop specific adaptation indicators Develop outlooks/scenarios for next EEA State of the Environment and Outlook report 2010 Help integrate cc impacts & adaptation issues in other main policy areas in particular Water and Biodiversity Start to establish a database on adaptive capacity (institutions/ legislation/regulation) and adaptation actions (policy and implementation) as a basis from which progress and effectiveness on adaptation can be monitored in future Develop all as part of the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS)

11 EEA planned 2008 activities on climate and water
Finalise the 2008 climate impact report Start-up of transferring information on climate change impact on water to WISE Support SCG Climate change/ Zero draft of 2009 Report on best practice measures for CC adaptation in river basins management plans Regional study: CC impacts and adaptation in the European mountains - Focus Water

12 Source: Kajfež-Bogataj: How will the Alps respond to climate change?
Presentation Danube Climate Change Conference Dec. 2007

13 Recommendation from Now
Recommendation from Now. Workshop Enhance information sharing and communication: EEA facilitator on collecting and disseminating data and information (e.g. Clearing House) Much information is produced on climate impacts on Europe’s water European and national research activities National (and sectoral) impact and vulnerability assessments including water resources National adaptation strategies CC and water conferences (Aug.07 Stockholm; Sep.07 Helsinki; Oct.07 Amsterdam; Nov.07 Bonn & Brussels; Elbe; Dec.07 Danube)

14 National activities in relation to water and climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation
Research activities DK CONWOY Consequences of weather and climate changes for marine and freshwater ecosystems www DE KLIWA Klimaveränderung und Konsequenzen für die Wasserwirtschaft GLOWA-Danube SWECLIM Swedish Regional Climate Modelling Programme National climate change impact assessments CH OcCC Bericht Klimaänderung und die Schweiz 2050 (2007) www IEA 2007: Irelands water at risk www The effects of climate change in the Netherlands www SIAM project - Climate Change in Portugal: Scenarios, Impacts, and Adaptation Measures www National adaptation Studies – strategies Climate change adaptation for hydrology and water resources. FINADAPT Working Paper 6, National adaptation strategies – water chapters

15 National communications to UNFCCC
Impacts Vulnerability Adaptation Austria 4th (18/10/06) Hydrology Floods Lakes Extreme events Hydropower Drinking water supply Water quality Lake Recreation Extreme events – floods Increased sediment transport Increased irrigation Belgium 4th (23/12/05) Water resources Czech Republic 4th (03/02/06) Ecological effects Water resources, efficiency Denmark 4th (30/12/05) Demand for water Groundwater recharge Estonia 4th (30/12/05) Groundwater Ice-cover No specific information on water Finland 4th (10/02/06) General description of adaptation measures

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