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Warm Up 9/13 Grab a book! When you’ve got the book, find the link for the article on Invisible Man (website) and read it. Why does Miller assert that.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 9/13 Grab a book! When you’ve got the book, find the link for the article on Invisible Man (website) and read it. Why does Miller assert that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 9/13 Grab a book! When you’ve got the book, find the link for the article on Invisible Man (website) and read it. Why does Miller assert that Invisible Man is still relevant? Based on what you know about the book already AND the information about this article that is over three years old, do you believe that Invisible Man sounds like a relevant book to read? Why/why not?

2 Learning Targets I can read Invisible Man independently, and take notes that are appropriate to our work as a class.

3 Independent Work By Friday, you must read the Prologue, Chapter one, and Chapter Two. Use today’s class time to read, and to take notes on the following information: Evidence of a “quest” Evidence of another an allusion to another, older story. Any insights/questions/concerns you have A list of vocabulary words you don’t know, including definitions (10 words is your goal).

4 Homework College Essay (rough draft) is due tomorrow!
Read the Prologue, and chapters one and two by Friday. Take appropriate notes.

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