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Arbeit macht frei.

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Presentation on theme: "Arbeit macht frei."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arbeit macht frei

2 History 101 After Hitler’s rise to power, began imprisoning political prisoners to work camps “Work makes free” Anti-Semitism had flourished in Germany since middle ages Immediate Causes: Kristallnacht (1938), and invasion of Poland (2 million+ Jewish people)

3 Concentration and labor camps (1933–1945)
Dachau in March 1933 Political Prisoners Jews Gypsies Homosexuals Handicapped Catholics Those outwardly opposing Nazi goals




7 Tragedy Victims Killed Jews 5.9 million Soviet POWs 2–3 million
Ethnic Poles –2 million Romani ,000–1,500,000 Disabled ,000–250,000 Freemasons ,000 Homosexuals ,000–15,000 Jehovah'sWitnesses ,500–5,000

8 In German, the text on the statue reads: “This is to honor the dead, and to warn the living.”
-What does the man represent to you? -Why did the artist sculp the man to look this way? (Think body language, physical appearance, facial expression, clothing) -What does the quote mean? -Why do we study tragic events like this?

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