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Some Common Errors in Writing

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1 Some Common Errors in Writing
An Interactive Session -Rishi Timsina

2 Commonly confused words
They're / Their / There They’re going to store together. (contraction of “they are”) The managers are in their weekly meeting. (possessive) Place the flowers there. (adv. – indicates location/direction) You're / Your You're going to be a great writer! (contraction of “you are”) Your hair looks nice today. (possessive) Who's / Whose Who's on first base? (contraction of “who is”) Whose watch is this? (possession)

3 Commonly confused words
It's / Its / Its’ It’s a beautiful day! (contraction of “it is”) Download the program, along with its readme file. (possessive) Its’ is not a word. Affect / Effect The outage shouldn't affect anyone during work hours. (verb – to act on, influence) The outage shouldn't have any effect on users. (noun – result)

4 Commonly confused words
To / Too / Two I am going to the store. (preposition) She decided to go along too. (adv. – also) My jacket is too small. (adv. – to an excessive amount) I have two buttons missing. (number) A lot / Alot / Allot The workers are worrying a lot about their jobs. (adv. – to a great degree/extent) Alot is not a word. We were each allotted twenty tickets. (verb – to assign/distribute)

5 Subject-Verb Agreement
Ram and my brothers is/are coming today. Ram and my brothers are coming today. Ram or my brothers is/are coming today. Ram or my brothers are coming today. My brothers or Ram is/are coming today. My brothers or Ram is coming today.

6 Subject-Verb Agreement
Neither Ram nor my brothers is/are coming today. Neither Ram nor my brothers are coming today. Either my brothers or Ram is/are coming today. Either my brothers or Ram is coming today.

7 Subject-Verb Agreement
Ram, as well as my brothers, is/are coming today. Ram, as well as my brothers, is coming today. My brothers, as well as Ram, is/are coming today. My brothers, as well as Ram, are coming today.

8 Subject-Verb Agreement
…………….,as well as………….., …………….,with………………….., …………….,along with…………, ……………..,accompany with…………., ………………,besides……………………….,

9 Subject- Verb Agreement
The condition of these books is/are not good. The condition of these books is not good. The situation of these villages is/are not satisfactory. The situation of these villages is not satisfactory.

10 Subject- Verb Agreement
Much have/has been said. A little have/ has been achieved. Much has been said. A little has been achieved.

11 Pronoun Choice She can write as fast as I/me.
It is matter between Ram and I/me. It is matter between Ram and me. They are going to tease we/us girls. They are going to tease us girls.

12 Pronoun Choice The plot of the movie impressed I/me.
The plot of the movie impressed me. She/her laughing impressed me. Her laughing impressed me.

13 Parallel Structure Ram likes to sing and dancing
Ram likes singing and dancing. or Ram likes to sing and to dance. Both Ram likes singing and dancing. Ram likes both singing and dancing. The patient’s symptoms were fever, dizziness and his head hurt. The patient’s symptoms were fever, dizziness and his headaches.

14 Parallel Structure Her job consisted mostly of writing and typing letters and various types of telephone calls. Her job consisted mostly of writing and typing letters and placing various types of telephone calls. Since Rubina started taking opt. math, she has worked harder and fewer parties. Since Rubina started taking opt. math, she has worked harder and has gone to fewer parties.

15 Parallel Structure Ram is kind, helpful and he has got a lot of talents. Ram is kind, helpful and talented.

16 Repetitive Structure Could you please repeat that again?
I will return back soon. I will return soon. I have got sufficient enough money for the project. I have got sufficient/enough money for the project.

17 Repetitive Structure I will tell you when the true facts come out.
I will tell you when the facts come out. My plan advanced forwarded rapidly. My plan forwarded rapidly. My teacher he said about the result. My teacher/he said about the result.

18 Faulty Modifier At the age of four, my father took me to the US.
When I was four, my father took me to the US. While returning home, my car didn’t work. While I was returning home, my car didn’t work.

19 Faulty Modifier After lunch, the office car picked me up.
After I had my lunch, the office car picked me up. Ram left a piece of bread on the table that was over cocked. Ram left a piece of over cocked bread on the table.

20 Double Negative She hardly never comes to see me.
She didn’t know nothing. She didn’t know anything. She knew nothing.

21 Faulty Comparatives This problem is more easier than the previous one.
This problem is easier than the previous one. She is the most pretty girl in our group. She is the prettiest girl in our group.

22 Faulty Comparatives We expect as much as thirty people to come.
We expect as many as thirty people to come. Shops here are not like in cities. Shops here are not like those in cities.

23 Wrong Word Choice I met two beautiful boys today.
I met two handsome boys today. I usually eat two liters water per day. I usually drink two liters water per day. I want to buy a pair of skin shoes. I want to buy a pair of leather shoes.

24 Write a Topic Sentence __________________________________________________________________________________________________ My mother’s nature is very outgoing, emotional, and impulsive. She enjoys dancing, going to parties, being with lots of people, and spending money very freely. My father, on the other hand, is quiet, reserved, and controlled. He looks at things logically and practically, not giving in to his emotions. He feels more comfortable with only a few, if any, people around and would be content to watch TV or read a book for recreation.

25 The-End.

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