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English Grammar.

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1 English Grammar

2 Chapter Three Punctuation word-transferring rule

3 * punctuation 标点符号 * word-transferring rule 单词移行规则

4 * Why do we need punctuation?
give structure & meaning to a sentence along with grammar * 12 punctuation marks at the end of sentence (3) within sentence (7) within word (2)

5 1 period/full stop —to show an ended sentence 2 question mark —to show a question 3 exclamation mark —to show emotional stress

6 4 comma —short pause in sentence 5 colon —listing —shortening a sentence (alternative to “so, for example”)

7 6 semicolon —to give flow to sentence 7 (single/double) dash —to introduce extra information 8 ellipsis —to show leaving out of word(s)

8 —to introduce extra information 10 quotation marks /quotes
9 brackets —to introduce extra information 10 quotation marks /quotes /inverted commas —to show real (direct) speech —to show quote (single/double~)

9 11 hyphen —to join words 12 apostrophe —to show possessive case —to show shortened words

10 Difference 3 no punctuation mark for title . /。 …/……
—to capitalize first letter of its first word and its notional words 4 no punctuation mark for pause

11 ﹡When do we need it? --in writing or printing; --can’t finish a word in a line; --transfer part of the word to next line, adding “-” to the part left;

12 ﹡How do we do it? --based on division of syllables, word-formation and association of letters; eg: win-ter, fa-mi-ly

13 ﹡No transferring 1单音节词 through, friend 2 助动词、情态动词的简略否定式 haven’t, shouldn’t 3 分拆后的部分只有一个字母 a-gain, snow-y 4 缩写词或人名 UNESCO, Robert

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