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The CMS muon system performance

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1 The CMS muon system performance
Jesús Puerta-Pelayo CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain) on behalf of the CMS collaboration Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics Elba 24/May/09

2 Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid
Outline CMS muon system description Drift Tube chambers (DT) Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) Commissioning the CMS muon system Detector performance results Physics results First LHC beams in CMS Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

3 The importance of muons in CMS
The design of CMS was strongly driven by the idea of a powerful, hermetic and redundant muon system, capable of exploiting the clearness of muon signals in hadron colliders. A very precise muon spectrometer with high efficiency in muon reconstruction over a large momentum range was mandatory Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

4 CMS requirements on muon system
Magnetic field & particle rate Muon pt resolution requirements Standalone 200 GeV 1 TeV (η dependent) Combining with the tracker low pT 1 TeV Muon trigger μID → |η| = 2.4 with > 16 λ Precise BX identification 1μ & 2 μ L1 triggers → |η| = 2.1 Alignment better than 100 μm Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

5 Muon system in CMS Redundant and hermetic coverage up to |η|< 2.4
Following these requirements, the chosen design in order to cope with them was… Redundant and hermetic coverage up to |η|< 2.4 Gaseous detectors 3 different detectors, different technologies Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

6 Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid
Muon system in CMS ENDCAP BARREL Detectors interleaved with the magnet yoke steel layers 4 stations in the endcaps (0.9 < |η| < 2.4) 4 stations in the barrel (|η| < 1.2) Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

7 Drift Tube Chambers (DT)
DTs are responsible for muon tracking and triggering in the barrel 250 chambers (50 per wheel) 5 wheels / 12 sectors / 4 stations >170k RO channels Basic unit: Drift cell Drift signals collected in wire anodes. Almost linear space-time relationship. Vdrift ~ 55 μm/ns-> Max drift time ~380 ns Single wire resolution ~ 250 μm Local reconstruction (r-φ) ~ 100 μm Efficient (Above 99.5%) 8 points in r-φ 4 points in r-θ Redundant DT chamber: 3/2 independent measuring units (SLs) composed of 4 layers of staggered drift cells each Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

8 Drift Tube Chambers (DT) trigger
Important feature is the trigger capability of muon tracking detectors Higher trigger instances sort and select the 4 best barrel muons and pass them over to GMT pt, position and charge are assigned (Look-up-Tables) Dedicated in-chamber trigger electronics searche for hits alignment in each muon station. Up to 2 muon segments per station are sent to higher trigger levels each BX, where trigger segments from each station are matched together Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

9 Drift Tube Chambers (DT) – Assembly and installation
Assembled in Italy, Spain and Germany Installation from summer 2004 to November 07 (surface / underground) DT test & storage area ISR (CERN) YB lowering DT & RPC install Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

10 Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC)
Tracking and triggering in the endcaps. Different technology needed (higher B and rate) Trapezoidal shape multiwire proportional chambers 6 planes per chamber Independent cathode and anode RO 468 chambers, >400k channels. 4 disks/endcap, 1, 2 or 3 rings/disk 18 or 36 sectors/ring 2 million cathode strip chamber wires. Up to 6 points per track. Each point is the intersection of: Centre of induced charge in 3-strip clusters (more accurate) Signal in groups of 8 wires (faster) Phi resolution ~ 100 μm Detection eff > 99% Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

11 Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) – Trigger
Similarly to DTs, CSCs also have trigger capability: Cathode view: Pattern comparison in 6 layers provide a good (~ 1 mm) measurement of position in r-φ Anode view: optimized for BX identification (~ 4 ns precision). The coincidence of ≥ 4 layers define a muon segment CLCT ALCT CSC track finder: Reconstructs and assigns pt, φ and η, and selects the 4 best muon candidates to be sent to GMT Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

12 Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) – Assembly and installation
Assembled in Russia, China & USA CSC tests CSC installation YE lowering Completed by March 2007 Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

13 Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC)
Fast trigger dedicated detectors, both in endcap and barrel 96.2% C2H2F4 3.5% iso-C4H10 0.3% SF6 Double gap bakelite plates with graphite electrodes and strips readout Avalanche mode & 2 gaps: lower gain (to cope with high rate up to 1kHz/cm2) higher amplification A time resolution of ~3 ns allows BX tag without ambiguity 480 ch(barrel, 6 layers) 432 ch (end-caps, 3 layers) At least 3 layers up to |η|=1.6 162k channels Good space resolution (~1cm) Trigger with pattern comparator Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

14 Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) – Assembly and installation
Assembled in Italy, Bulgaria, China, Korea and Pakistan. Installed: Barrel: Sum 04 – End 07 Endcap: End 05 – End 07 Barrel RPCs YE lowering Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid Endcap RPCs installation

15 Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid
Nov 2000 Sep 2005 Mar 2006 Apr 2008 The muon detector is complete! It’s been a long way… Feb 2007 Sep 2008 Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

16 Commissioning the muon system
Several global cosmics data taking campaigns have been organised in the last ~3 years, progressively incorporating components of the whole experiment MTCC (B on) CRUZETs CRAFT (B on) MWGRs A summary of most relevant results from all these runs will be presented (work in progress) Extremely useful for system understanding, synchronisation, integration Some physics results obtained from cosmics analysis Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

17 Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid
Some nice muon events… Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

18 Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid
Some nice muon events… Run 66533, Event Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

19 Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid
Some nice muon events… p = 4.09 GeV/c Run 66533, Event Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid


21 DT cosmics performance
DT drift velocity is a key parameter for reconstruction and trigger performance Affected by B in border regions (change in drift path of electrons) Very precise calibrations performed (see G.Mila’s poster) Br magnetic field map CRAFT Alignment with tracks DT single cell efficiency For further info on DT commissioning, see G.Cerminara’s poster Correlation survey / tracks Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

22 RPC cosmics performance
X (cm) 20 40 Y (cm) Single gap working region RPC efficiency Extrapolation of DT muon segments to the RPC area “Muon radiography” (occupancy of RPC based on reconstructed muons) Barrel For further info see D. Piccolo’s poster Endcap (rings 2 and 3) Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

23 CSC cosmics performance
Resolution vs distance to beamline CSC resolution 1/σ2 (chamber) = 3/ σe2 + 3/σc2 Increasing strip width σ(ME2/1) ~ 160 μm σ(ME1/1) ~ μm Gaussian fits to residuals distributions (ME2/2). Variation with track position within the strip Average efficiencies for each station/ring. Single hit efficiency Track segment efficiency Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid


25 Muon momenta and charge ratio
First ‘physics’ result obtained from CMS Excellent exercise, helped understanding the muon system, magnetic field and alignment MTCC 06 Momentum distribution of CRs measured by DTs during MTCC Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

26 Muon origin extrapolation on surface
The overall distribution of triggered muons in the cavern clearly shows the “shadows” of the service shafts … and many more physics results will be extracted from CMS cosmics data Work in progress Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

27 ~2x109 protons on collimator ~150 m upstream of CMS
First beam in CMS ME4 ME3 ME2 ME1 CSCs in negative endcap CAL DT hits Barrel Beam splash as seen from… ~2x109 protons on collimator ~150 m upstream of CMS Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

28 CSC Alignment with beam-halo muons
Halo muons were a powerful tool for CSC alignment Almost parallel to beam pipe, incidence perpendicular to ring planes Selection of tracks crossing the overlap region of two chambers Accuracy achieved 270 μm in r-φ 0.35 mrad in φz Mult. scattering Initial alignment goal achieved in 9 min of LHC beam! 33k evs 9 min Cross-check against photogrammetry Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

29 Looking forward to LHC data… We’re ready!
Conclusions The three detectors constituting the CMS muon system have demonstrated the precision, reliability and stability of the chosen design for a muon spectrometer. The construction, installation and pre-commissioning of the detectors was efficiently done, being the muon detectors on time for the global commissioning of the experiment. Cosmic commissioning has been (is being!) a success. We exploited the possibilities and achieved a high level of understanding of our detectors (alignment / performances / calibration…). Muon detectors have been the fundamental key for the commissioning of CMS as a whole. Looking forward to LHC data… We’re ready! Jesús_Puerta_Pelayo_CIEMAT_Madrid

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