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1 E-District and the Right to Information (RTI) Department of Information Technology Conference of Information Commissioners 17 th October 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "1 E-District and the Right to Information (RTI) Department of Information Technology Conference of Information Commissioners 17 th October 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 E-District and the Right to Information (RTI) Department of Information Technology Conference of Information Commissioners 17 th October 2007

2 NeGP Vision Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency & reliability of such services at affordable costs to realise the basic needs of the common man -27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs)Projects E-District, a State MMP

3 Overview of E-District Citizen-centric approach to delivery of selected (bulk) services through Common Service Centres (CSC) Citizen-centricselected services Involving back office enablement, by way of – digitization of relevant records – process redesign – automation of processes/workflow

4 Salient features Phased implementation- Phase I pilots in 8-10 States (1-2 districts in each) Phase II -National roll out coverage limited to ten categories of services gradual digital evolution of back office

5 Salient Features (2/2) Enable delivery through multiple channels riding on SWAN,SDC and CSC infrastructureinfrastructure Access NSDG for routing service requests and delivery.

6 RTI – Current Imperatives Citizens – Awareness about their rights under RTI Act – Access to PIOs – Responsiveness to their request Departments / Public Authority – Reaching out to the citizens – Establishing processes for quick disposal of requests – Ensure internal transparency and accountability Commission – Encourage participation by Citizens and Departments – Track and ensure speedy disposal of requests – Intervene whenever required E-District Creating an Enabling Environment

7 RTI services in edistrict For services listed under edistrict, enable -receipt and acknowledgement of applications u/RTI (including fee ) -establishment of electronic interface with Public Information Officer (PIO) - for reaching the applications - tracking status of the applications - receiving services (interim/final) from PIO and its delivery to the citizen

8 Notification of eDistrict services under section 4(1) of the Act to enable and legally enforce sharing of information as prescribed, electronically. eDistrict to act as an enabler for facilitating objectives/ services relating to RTI being achieved/delivered RTIs legal framework to be leveraged by eDistrict to make information sharing/e-services, irreversible. Outcomes (1/2)

9 Outcomes(2/2) Service centric approach to requests u/RTI Evolve an effective MIS tool for monitoring at supervisory levels Service delivery enabled through multiple channels Effective use of IT infrastructure to collaborate across agencies (other MMPs) Creating Citizen Pull for Automation of RTI Services across Departments

10 Points for deliberation Extending RTI services at the CSCs, to such Public Authorities that have been already enabled electronically for receipt of applications, (while leveraging the access/content already developed by the NIC) Need/feasibility of notifying CSCs as APIOs under the Act

11 Thank You

12 RTI and E-District Common Service Centres Departments Citizens Online service District Admn. Offices Service specific PIOs RTI under E-District Enabling Application Receipt, Transmission, Tracking Enabling Access to PIOs at the Doorsteps of the Citizens… Food & Civil Supplies Transport Public Relation Revenue Social Welfare

13 Citizen Applies Under RTI Act Receive Application Ack. With Date/Time Stamp Reaches to PIO electronically CSC Desk 1 Desk 2Desk 3 Manual/Digital Process PIO (Back Office) Delivery/Information of service to CSC CSC Delivery to Citizen Automated/ online activity Manual activity

14 NEGP – Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) MMPs identified on the basis of high citizen / business interface – projects cover range of key services offered by department Integrated (8) e-BIZ EDI India Portal Common Service Centers EG Gateway E Courts E-Office E Procurement State (11) Agriculture Land Records Transport Treasuries Commercial Taxes Gram Panchayats Municipalities Registration Police Employment Exchange E-District Central (8) Income Tax Central Excise Passports/Visa & Immigration MCA 21 National ID / UID Pensions Industry Initiative Banking Insurance States can add up to 5 state specific Projects

15 Citizen Centric Approach Citizen-Centric Approach Citizen Departmental Support Transformation Enhanced value Department-Centric Approach Citizen Intermediaries Department 1Department 2Department 3Department 4Department 5 Fragmented value E-District Interface Dept 1 Dept 2 Dept 3 Dept 4 Dept 5

16 Relating to - Land Records - Agriculture - Police - Certifications - Social welfare - Revenue court - Grievances/RTI - Ration cards/PDS - Utility services - Transport - Education - Health… Bulk Services Services relating to- Land Records Agriculture Police Transport Gram Panchayat Municipalities… Covered u/MMP Services relating to- Certifications Social welfare Revenue court Grievances/RTI Ration cards Recovery of dues Health Tourism… Not Covered u/ MMP (covered u/e district) NeGP Services

17 Online application for services E-District application Access points: Online CSC Services 1. Land Records related 2. Agriculture related 3. Police related 4. Certificate related 5. Social welfare 6. Revenue court 7. Grievances 8. Ration card related 9. Utility 1 Receipt of the acknowledg ement receipt Online generation of acknowledgement receipt 2 Government Gateway 3 Back end processing at the department Departments 1. Health 2. Land records 3. Police 4. Transport 5. Agriculture 6. Rural development 7. Registration Online delivery of services to the applicant. For e.g. online issue of various certificates 4 State Data Centre (SDC) SWAN E-District Services

18 Core Services Certificates including domicile, nativity, caste, marriage, income, employment: Application/Issuance/Updation. Social Welfare - Pensions (old age, widow, etc.): Application / Payments/etc. Revenue Court- including case listing, final orders, etc.: Information/ Tracking Government Dues and Recovery as part of Land Revenue – including Issue of notices, record payments, etc.: Information / Tracking Ration Card related services- including Registration, Issue of duplic ates, etc.: Information/Application/ Issuance/Updation RTI Services/ redressal of grievances: Application/Tracking/ Redressal/Appeals/etc.

19 NSDG State Data Center setup Certificates Governmen t Dues and Recoveries RTI/ Grievance Services Revenue Court Cases Social Security Public Distribution System Service Interface Easy Access (Single Sign on) Payment Gateway CSC Setup SWAN eDistrict Deployment Broadband

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