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Open Range, Long Drive, & Cow Towns

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1 Open Range, Long Drive, & Cow Towns
Cowboys & Ranchers Open Range, Long Drive, & Cow Towns

2 What did they wear? Chaps Pointed toe boots Spurs Long sleeve shirts
Large – wide brimmed hats Bandanas Ropes

3 American Cowboy Cowboy = cowhand - protect the cattle
The concept of a cowboy originated in Spain - Vaqueros = Spanish for cowhand ⅓ of all Cowboys were African American and Mexican They led cattle on long drives to northern cities & railroads American Cowboy (cowhand) Vaqueros (Spanish term for cowhand) ⅓ were African American and Mexican Led cattle on long drives to northern cities and railroads

4 Skills of Cowboys Roping cattle = critical skill for cowboys to have
Why? Riding Horses Branding Cattle

5 What is this describing?
A stampede

6 Open Range Land in the west where cattle could roam free regardless of land ownership This was a cheap way for ranchers to ensure that their cattle got fed When people started fencing in their property, this method ended

7 Long Drive Beef was in high demand in the North, so ranchers had to move their cattle to the railroad, which was far away Long Drive = Journey that takes cattle by foot to a railway up north usually Texas → Nebraska No longer necessary when railroads expanded farther Southwest

8 Cow Towns Cities that sprang up along the railroad in the West
Cowboys would drive their cattle to the railroad, they’d get paid, and then they’d need a place to spend that money Cow Towns offered places to stay and entertainment until they returned home Cow Towns

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