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TITLE: Template for a 84.1 cm wide x cm tall poster (DIN A0)

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Presentation on theme: "TITLE: Template for a 84.1 cm wide x cm tall poster (DIN A0)"— Presentation transcript:

1 TITLE: Template for a 84.1 cm wide x 118.9 cm tall poster (DIN A0)
Put your school and class name here 1. About this Template 6. Customizing the Template Color Schemes 8. Labeling your Headers This template was designed to produce a correctly sized poster for Science on the Move. You can modify it freely! The headers are used to identify and separate the main topics of your presentation. Find more information about the expected documentation in the Science on the Move description. For those who wish to further personalize their poster presentation, we have included a number of printer-tested alternative color schemes for this poster template. If you want to change the default colors and use your own color scheme, go to FORMAT>SLIDE DESIGN. Select COLOR SCHEMES. 2. Poster Basics – Poster Layout 9. Importing Tables & Graphs To start using this template you first need to delete most of the contents of this page. Keep the poster title and one of the section headers. After you decide how many sections you need for your poster (Theoretical background of the topic , Construction sketch, References, etc.), use the “copy” and “paste” commands to create as many copies of the section headers as needed. You can now start adding your text. To add text, use the text tool to draw a text box starting from the left edge of a column to the right edge and start typing in your text. You can also paste the text you may have already copied from another source. To import charts and graphs from Excel, Word or other applications, copy your chart and come back to PowerPoint. Paste the chart on the poster. You can scale your charts and tables proportionally by holding down the Shift key and dragging in or out one of the corners. 7. Importing Photographs When the only source of a needed photo or graphic is the Web, scaling has to be applied with caution. Scaling an image more than three times its original size may introduce pixelization artifacts. Refer to figure 1 as an example. A simple way to preview the printing quality of an image is to zoom in at 100% or 200%, depending on the final size of the poster. What you’ll see is likely what you’ll get at printing time. Figure 1: Original image at 100%, enlarged 200% and % 3. Text Sizes You can use any font you like but please make sure that it is easily readable (e.g. Arial, Calibri). Use font size 24 for the text in the columns. References may be smaller (see below). To insert an image to your poster go to INSERT>PICTURE>FROM FILE. Be sure the photo is of sufficient resolution for quality printing, but not so large as to create a PDF file that is > 6 MB. TABLE ONE 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 4. Changing the Poster’s Column Layout Depending on how you layout your poster, you may want to change the column layout configuration. Alternative master layouts can be accessed through FORMAT>SLIDE LAYOUT. The slide design panel will open. From there you can select an alternate layout. Tab. 1: Development of categories… 10. Poster Guidelines Posters are meant to be conversation starters and reference sources. Images, graphs, and short bulleted lists will garner attention and direct discussion. Less is more when it comes to posters! Poster Dimensions and Materials The size for this poster is A0 (84.1 cm x cm). Please adhere to the following: Maximum size of A0 (84.1cm x 118.9cm) Single PDF document Provide full identifying information - title and class - in the body of the message to which file is attached. Minimize use of color File size should be less than 6 MB (reducing image sizes before adding to poster can help with this). 5. References An important aspect is the citation of your sources and the compilation of a bibliography (reference list): „In-text“ citations: Numerical markers To let the reader know where you have used a piece of information in your work, please use the numerical marker. Here is an example: “Monkeys(1) prefer ripe bananas to unripe bananas(2). This is due to the extra sugars present in ripe bananas(3), and scientists think that monkeys may have a similar range of tastes to humans.” Bibliography (reference list) Supply complete details of the source you have used – so that the reader could easily find it to check it or to learn more. You must list your sources in the order in which they appear in your poster. The very first source you cite in your text is listed in position 1 in your bibliography, the second in position 2 and so on. If you use a source again later on, cite it in the text with the same number as the first time you used it. You don’t need to write the same source twice in your bibliography. Here an example referring to the “in-text” citations above: 1. Monkey; retrieved March 7, 2015 2. Taylor, S Monkey Nutrition Handbook. 2nd edition. pp Primate Press, Bandung. 3. Triandafillou, A Livestrong – Article: “Nutritional difference in ripe bananas”. Retrieved February 22, 2013 from Fig. 1: Portrait of Euglena viridis, from CG Ehrenberg, Die Infusionstierchen, 1838. © Dr. Samuel Ginsburg ©Hans Hillewaert/ CC-Lizenz BY-SA 4.0 Poster must be “saved as” PDF file and sent together with the Video Clip and the ProgressActivity file to via WeTransfer. NO LATER than Friday, April 5th 2019, 13:00

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