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BILC Professional Seminar October 2018 Zagreb, Croatia

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1 BILC Professional Seminar 15-18 October 2018 Zagreb, Croatia
BILC Update 10 Oct 2017 – 10 Oct 2018 by Emilija Nesheva, BILC Secretary

2 Bureau for International Language Co-ordination
NATO’s consultative and advisory body for language training and testing issues. Main responsibility: custodian of STANAG 6001 Community of language teaching/testing professionals from MoDs and defense-sponsored organizations. Mission: To promote and foster interoperability among NATO and Partner nations by furthering standardization of language training and testing. To support the Alliance's operations through the exchange of knowledge and best practices, IAW established procedures and agreements. Vision: To achieve levels of excellence where progress made by one is shared by all. Purpose: To foster cooperative professional support among BILC member nations and to extend support to NATO within the field of language training and education and language assessment. Active participation in BILC activities from 26 NATO nations and 15 Partner nations. The point of BILC ultimately is INTEROPERABILITY. Our Mission is an important statement because there are plenty of civilian / academic language training and testing professional associations. But the BILC world is the defense-sponsored world and accordingly has some special aspects such as military interoperability, military terms, large numbers of people to train and at frequently higher levels than the purely civilian world of language teaching. BILC is a unique language organization as a result. The BILC vision is to share progress made with member nations, partner nations and any nation who wishes to advance in the field of language training for military purposes. How is this done? Through the secretariat, there are a variety of initiatives that aim to foster these exchanges and promote standardization. Established in 1966 as an advisory body to NATO. Founding members are France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States. 1967: Belgium, Canada, Netherlands 1975: SHAPE and IMS/NATO (non-voting members) 1978: Portugal 1983: Turkey 1984: Denmark and Greece 1985: Spain 1993: Norway 1999: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland 2004: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia 2008: Albania, Croatia The major responsibility of BILC is to be the custodian of the STANAG This STANAG is an important responsibility because it is the guidance underpinning the serious subject of Standardized Language Profiles (SLPs) which are found in many basic personnel requirements not to mention national directives and ministerial orders related to military personnel. I am not going to review the STANAG It can be found on the BILC web site. The current edition of STANAG 6001 is Edition 5, version 2 .

3 BILC Steering Committee
Chair Col. (ret.) Trayko Stoykov GBR ( ) DEU ( ) USA ( ) CAN ( ) USA ( ) BGR (May 2016-May 2019) Senior Advisor Dr. Ray Clifford Secretary Emilija Nesheva Secretary Col. Petko Petkov This is our formal structure. Remember this is not a permanent staff element. To the left you can see the countries which have provided the secretariat over the years. The Presidency of the Secretariat was handed to Bulgaria at the end of the 2016 BILC conference in Riga and that was a great honor for our country. Currently the Secretariat consists of 8 members: BILC Chair, Col. (ret.) Trayko Stoykov, the Senior advisor Dr. Ray Clifford, two secretaries, Col. Petko Petkov and me, and the four associate secretaries, Mr. Keith Wert and Ms. Peggy Garza from the USA and Ms. Julie Dubeau and Jana Vasilj-Begovic form Canada. The BILC Chair presides over the Steering Committee which meets each year at the annual conference. Voting members are NATO national representatives. Partner nations are welcome to attend and observe at Steering Committee meetings but do not have the right to vote. Associate Secretaries Keith Wert Peggy Garza Julie Dubeau Jana Vasilj-Begovic

4 Major BILC Events BILC Annual Conference in May;
BILC STANAG 6001 Testing Workshop in September; BILC Professional Seminar in October. There are 3 major BILC events: conference, workshop and seminar. Who attends BILC events? There is a great diversity of people who attend the BILC events. For example at the conference we meet people ranking from five-stars generals to lieutenants and civilians working for the militaries. This gives us the opportunity to scrutinize the problems of the foreign language training and testing from different aspects. But not only this – we can also implement the advice and absorb the knowledge and experience of all these people. Studying the need for decent English language competence for the NATO member and partner nations from various angles, allows us to have opinions from political, strategical, managerial and practical points of view. Starting from analyzing the needs and tasking by the highest authorities in NATO who are concerned about the interoperability of the NATO forces and the fulfillment of task goal E 1101 N and partnership goal for English language proficiency to going down the chain of command to the managers of education and training and then to the practitioners: the classroom teachers and STANAG 6001 testers who perform the real work with the personnel.

5 2018 BILC Conference Lisbon, 20-24 May 2018
Invigorating Training through Technological Tools Sub-themes: - Measuring success rates before and after the use of technology - The science behind language learning - Using technology to modernize testing - Technology as a tool of teacher/student empowerment - Does technology provide us with shortcuts to language learning success? - Gaming as a learning tool - Enhancing teacher training to match current expectations - Effective language maintenance tools - Social media and project-oriented, computer assisted language learning - Incorporating translation technology in the classroom Study Groups Topics: - Familiarization with STANAG 6001 for Non-Specialists - STANAG 6001 Handbook for Curriculum Development - Revision of the Tri-Service Word and Terminology List - Enhancing Teaching of the Writing Skill for NATO Staff Officers - Distance Learning Enhanced by Technology The largest BILC event so far – 101 participants from 36 countries from 4 continents and 3 NATO bodies – ACT, IMS and SHAPE! For years, policy makers, teachers, parents and students alike have been weighing the potential benefits of technology in language classrooms against its risks and consequences. But now the debate is more pressing than ever, as curricula increasingly incorporate technology and professors experiment with new teaching methods. On one hand, using technology in the classroom allows you to experiment in pedagogy, democratize the classroom and better engage students. On the other hand, some argue technology in the classroom can be distracting and even foster cheating.

6 2018 STANAG 6001 Testing Workshop Kranjska Gora, 4-6 September, 2018
SUCCESSFUL TRIALLING: FROM TRIAL AND ERROR TO BEST PRACTICES Sub-themes: -The basic steps of trialling - Bilateral cooperation on trialling - Collecting and analyzing data - Selecting tools/software for data analysis - Using IRT and non-IRT analysis methods - Developing templates for the reporting of results - Revising items with bad stats - Piloting writing and speaking test prompts - Banking items 52 participants from 3 continents, 24 countries + the Kingdom of SHAPE The workshop aimed at standardization of planning, procedures and execution of language testing as language proficiency testing IAW STANAG 6001 is one of the important milestones towards interoperability within NATO and partner nations. Language proficiency test results that are aligned to a common standard promote personnel mobility and enable employers to rely on national nominations. At the same time it enables the personnel to perform their military duties without struggling with linguistic barriers. Therefore the workshop was aimed at promoting the standardization of testing with the goal of facilitating communication wherever NATO and partner nations work together in international environment.

7 BILC Cooperative Visits (Oct 2017 – Oct 2018)
Jordan, October 2017 Mauritania, September 2018 BILC conducts non-resident activities wherein BILC teams of experts work with countries on different aspects of their military language training. When BILC Secretariat receives a letter from a country requesting our help, we organize a visit of experts to this country. Teams of experts from different countries voluntarily contribute on many aspects of military language training and testing programs during these visits and collaborations. Funding comes from NATO through various channels.

8 Cooperation between BILC and Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP)
BILC actively supports DEEP activities when asked. Some of the BILC visits have been funded by DEEP. In September there will be such a visit on request by Mauritania and sponsoured by DEEP. The Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) is providing tailored practical support to individual countries in developing and reforming their professional military education institutions. Expert advice is offered to defence education institutions seeking to become intellectually interoperable with the Alliance. Currently, active tailored DEEP programmes are ongoing in Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹, Tunisia and Ukraine. Croatia and Mongolia have completed their programmes and a programme in Iraq is on hold due to the current security situation in country.

9 BILC’s Professional Development Programme in Partnership Cooperation Menu (PCM. i. e. ACT-sponsoured BILC courses) 1. Language Testing Seminars (conducted at PLTCE): Language Testing Seminar, ACT.647, 2 weeks; Advanced Language Testing Seminar, ACT.658, 3 weeks; Language Standards and Assessment, ACT.648, 2 weeks. 2. BILC Methodology Workshops English Teaching Faculty Development Workshop “Teaching Speaking and Writing for Military Purposes”, ACT.659, 2 weeks. Conducted at 3 PTECs PLTCE, Bulgaria and Slovenia. Facilitators: BILC teaching & testing experts from 24 nations. The seminars BILC offers in conjunction with ACT support have been focused on two objectives: To make STANAG 6001 language tests in each NATO member and partner country comparable to each other; To let the English language training managers, curriculum developers and classroom teachers get acquainted with the principles of assessment IAW STANAG 6001; To offer professional development for the English language teachers who teach military students and subjects

10 PLTCE sponsored courses
IRT Workshop - introduction to IRT concepts and the advantages of using Rasch IRT analysis Applied Consecutive Interpretation Techniques (ACIT) Workshop focuses on the development of skills essential to the task of effective interpreting including: event preparation, memory and comprehension, note taking, and handling linguistic and ethical challenges assertively.

11 Recent BILC Working Groups’ activities
Portability and Recognition of STANAG 6001 Certificates WG formed in 2016 Familiarization with STANAG 6001 for Non-Specialists WG formed in 2018 - Improving recognition of STANAG 6001 certificates both within the militaries as well as by civilian institutions - Exploring more standardization of STANAG 6001 certificates across nations - Rendering to non-specialists the complexities of comparing the STANAG 6001 criterion referenced tests to other types of language tests - Four BILC policy recommendation documents developed and published on the BILC website: BILC Policy Recommendation on Essential Information for STANAG 6001 Test Certificates BILC Policy Recommendation on the Acceptance of Commercial STANAG 6001 Certificates BILC Policy Recommendation on the Longevity of STANAG 6001 Language Certificates BILC Policy Recommendation on the Portability of STANAG 6001 Language Certifications Non-language specialists in NATO staff positions should be familiar with STANAG 6001 language proficiency levels in order to make informed decisions about SLPs and other matters relating to languages such as establishing policy on linguistic interoperability, determining capability targets for languages, and using English as an operational language within NATO, etc. While the STANAG 6001 Overview for Non-Specialists and the full STANAG 6001 descriptors can be used as in promoting a common understanding and interpretation of the descriptors, it has become evident that non-specialists making these decisions remain uninformed. The goals of the WG are to: propose a prototype e-learning module building on the existing BILC documents that will include samples of language at each proficiency level and explanations; explore ways to make the Familiarization with the STANAG 6001 for Non-Specialists module readily available as a practical resource for non-specialists.

12 Benchmark Advisory Test (BAT) Initiative
History of BAT – started in 2003 at the BILC Conference in Harrogate. Purpose: to provide an external measure against which nations can compare their national STANAG 6001 test results and to standardize testing across the nations. 8 nations collaborated on the BAT development. Contract awarded by NATO for the BAT delivery to ACTFL. In 2009, 11 NATO nations participated, with up to 20 tests each . Proposed a possible resurrection of the BAT after the 2016 BILC Conference in Riga - Evidence for the Validity Roadmap (Brno, Sept 2016); - Discussed by the WG on Portability and Recognition of STANAG 6001 Certificates (Bled, Sept 2016); - Survey of interest by BILC Secretary (fall 2017) nations responded favorably. - This year two BAT Writing&Speaking Forums took place (9-13 July and 6-10 August 2018) at PLTCE, Garmisch Partenkirhen. Participants are encouraged to receive certification as BAT interlocutors/raters. - The certification process began a month after the forums. - BAT 2 First a few words for the history of BAT. The idea to create a Benchmark Advisory Test (BAT) was born in 2003 at the BILC Conference in Harrogate, UK after a delegate indicated that the NATO STANAG 6001 interpretations seemed to vary significantly, and that it appeared that PfP nations were expected to adhere to the standard more stringently than some older NATO nations. 13 testing experts from 8 nations participated in the development of the items for the test. To accelerate the development process and to expand the number of skills tested, in December 2006, NATO ACT awarded a contract to the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). The benchmarking process commenced in the late spring of The BAT project is a significant step toward language testing standardization and enhancement of interoperability. This year BILC plans to subsidize 10 candidates per nation to sit for the BAT. About 21 nations have expressed interest their candidates to be tested. This summer two BAT Writing&Speaking forums took place at PLTCE and 20 experienced testers from 20 countries took part in them. After the some of them will be certified as BAT interlocutors/raters. BAT2 administration is projected to take place in the period November 2018 – June 2019.

13 BILC SharP BILCSharp has been kindly developed and administered by our Australian colleagues. On the BILC site you can find its last update – Communique 3. It was also sent to all national BILC PoC.

14 BILC site –
I would like to remind you that if you visit our BILC site, you may find a lot of information, resources and materials that might help you in your work.



17 Questions? Contacts: BILC site
My office telephone My service mobile phone

And finally let’s get back to our current event. The topic of the 2018 BILC Professional seminar is LANGUAGE LEARNING AND THE ADULT MIND: ENHANCING MOTIVATION AND EFFICIENCY IN THE MILITARY CONTEXT. The program for the seminar shows that we will be able to observe presentations that will tackle the topic from different angles. I am sure that these will give us the opportunity to discuss further more in details and share our our experience.

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