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Gloria Whitcraft, M.S. Ed., LMFT

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Presentation on theme: "Gloria Whitcraft, M.S. Ed., LMFT"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gloria Whitcraft, M.S. Ed., LMFT
Serving Multiple Stakeholders Hosted by Gloria Whitcraft, M.S. Ed., LMFT

2 Getting to Know You Introductions and Learning Objectives

3 Getting to Know You Your Name Which CC Agency Position/Role
#1 Thing You Love About Your Work

4 We Our Stakeholders About This Session One Take Away

5 Shareholder

6 Shareholder For-Profit Owns interest in company/corporation
Profitability is typical # 1 priority Is also a stakeholder

7 Stakeholder

8 Stakeholder Not-for-Profit Interested Party No profitability
Could be impacted

9 Who Are our Stakeholders?
Nicole, can you create an ecosystem graphic; meaning a circle in the middle entitled Mission, then little circles about the same size orbiting around it, similar to one of these? Who Are our Stakeholders? Volunteers Board Clients Church Stakeholders Donors Government Funders Employees

10 Our Responsibility & Interconnectedness
“Client” Community Funders Donors Government Tax Payers Each Other The Mission The Board All Stakeholders The Catholic Church Ourselves Partners

11 A Deeper Look at Each

12 The People We Serve The “Client”
Quality, competent, and ethical services Integrity and Accountability Empowerment and Advocacy Impact

13 No Margin, No Mission Donors
Compliance Stewardship Integrity Outcomes Reporting/Data Relevance

14 Uncle Sam Government Funds/IRS
Contract & Regulatory Compliance EEOC Compliance/HR No Lobbying or Political Activity Reporting General Laws Form 990

15 Volunteers & Board of Directors
Training Engagement Recognition Supervision Board Members: Duty of Care Duty of Loyalty Duty of Obedience Strategic Planning Mission Sustainability How do We Help?

16 Community Public Benefit Truth in Marketing/Communications Tax Payers
Assess Needs The Church, parishes and Catholic Schools Partners (e.g., other social service agencies, education, employers, etc.)

17 Stewardship Prayer Almighty and ever-faithful Lord,
gratefully acknowledging Your mercy and humbly admitting our need, we pledge our trust in You and each other. Filled with desire, we respond to Your call for discipleship by shaping our lives in imitation of Christ. We profess that the call requires us to be stewards of Your gifts. As stewards, we receive Your gifts gratefully, cherish and tend them in a responsible manner, share them in practice and love with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. We pledge to our ongoing formation as stewards and our responsibility to call others to that same endeavor. Almighty and ever-faithful God, it is our fervent hope and prayer that You who have begun this good work in us will bring it to fulfillment in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

18 Questions?

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