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Sediments & Ocean Water Properties …a two way street

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Presentation on theme: "Sediments & Ocean Water Properties …a two way street"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sediments & Ocean Water Properties …a two way street
Ocean currents & water density help us understand the formation and distribution of sediments Sediments help us understand how ocean water physics/chemistry work and how the ocean has changed over time

2 How do we collect this sediment?
Sediment Cores Deep Seafloor Sample Grab sample Seafloor surface Sediment trap Water column


4 Why do we collect this sediment?
Climate change/environmental change Effects on biology Effects on earth physics/chemistry Pollution patterns & connection to ocean currents Mineral resources

5 Climate/Environmental Change
Biogenous sediment is especially helpful Types/condition of calcium carbonate shells found Gives clues as to what type of environment the organisms lived in

6 Climate/Environmental Change
Distribution of biogenous sediment/ fossils indicates continental environment “North Pole 'was once subtropical'”--2004

7 Climate/Environmental Change
Oxygen isotopes 18O evaporates less quickly than 16O Build up of 18O = colder temperatures (glacial/ice age) Fine-grained (abyssal) lithogenous sediment especially helpful

8 Changes in sediment color can indicate:
Temperature change pH change  ocean acidification CO2 levels

9 Mineral Resources (human use)
Salt beds Sand/gravel/gypsum Manganese Nodules: Mined for cobalt, copper, nickel, platinum

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