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Author: Axel Angeli
Building the SOA City Author: Axel Angeli Adopted for N.N. 06th October 2008. The Blue Elefant Certi Axel Angeli - (c) 2008 - Building the SOA City Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Building the SOA City Strategies to bring SOA into Enterprises
SOA Market Governance Front-end Services Abst-raction Middle-ware Persis- tence Virtua-lization Security & Safety Hard-ware It is no co-incidence that the reincarnation of Service Oriented Client Server Architecture und the new vision of Enterprise 2.0 collabarotion paradigms eclipse just now. This publication is about how to succesfully implement SOA in enterprises. 12th June Eindhoven
An Episode from: Building the SOA City
12th June Eindhoven Author: Axel Angeli Adopted for Düsseldorf 6th October 2008
What to expect from this publication
12th June Eindhoven
The Evolution of IT to SOA
SOA Evolution Traditional IT Mainframe EAI SOA There is a stunning similarity between the global development of villages and cities and the evolution of SOA. We speak of the global village and internauts that live in social networks and travel on the virtual highway called internet. The enterprise IT of the future will be a virtual village. We can but learn from the many thousand years of political experience in adminstration and governance of villages. And every day there are surprises, you cannot control and predict everything
Why SAP is the most mature SOA Ready ERP package and yet our sorrow child
Producing Win-Win with SOA Marketplaces
12th June Eindhoven
Governing SOA evolution
12th June Eindhoven SOA is still a secret … Why SOA? SOA Saves 90% IT money Cape Enterprise 2.0 Use cases of (e)SOA What is SOA? How to Get SOA? Imagine SOA Marketplace as a City Blue Elefant SOA Certificate
SOA is still a secret … 12th June Eindhoven Many a vendor „sells SOA“ without seeming to know what they are talking about. There is hardly a software service provider or software vendor who does not speak about SOA and claims to be fully ready for it.
Offers are immature, incomplete and mostly TOO complicated to use
eSOA is Still Far Away SOA Award Contest 12th June Eindhoven SAP, IBM, Oracle … they all offer SOA and are yet far, far away from a practible and usable architecture for running services efficiently in enterprises. Offers are immature, incomplete and mostly TOO complicated to use The current situation of SOA offers for enterprise use is still not satisfying at all. All the big vendors jump aggressively the SOA band waggon but are yet still far away from anything that is worth to be called a viable and usable set of architecture components that would bring the values that are possible with SOA.
Why SOA? 12th June Eindhoven Nearly all IT providers now speak of SOA. Do they really now what SOA means? Do we need SOA?
IT in ERP today is „vendor-oriented“
The capability of a product decides what to do with the software Recombination of features is nearly impossible 12th June Eindhoven
We want to „mash-up“ the functionalities of specialized software
We want the best of each We want to „mash-up“ the functionalities of specialized software 12th June Eindhoven
SOA Saves 90% IT money A well established and company wide deployed SOA saves typically 90% of IT investment compared to classical implementations. 12th June Eindhoven
Windows is Already a Mashup King
We use Microsoft Office Or may use OpenOffice instead Use Ulead PhotoImage Use Browser from Firefox or Flock Destop Search from Google Best of Breed Just Download, install Run 12th June Eindhoven Our modern PC is already a mashup place. Windows is the commonly used operating system. The success of Windows is not because it is the best operating system we could imagine; and it is not because anybody forced us to use Windows; Windows is the operating system standard, because it was the most attractive for both vendors and software users.
ERP may Look Like This Soon
Scenario Run MM on SAP ERP Use Amazon and vendor catalogues Run SD on Microsoft Dynamics AX SRM on Web-based SAP SRM CRM on Jira Financials on Oracle PP on own IBM i5 PM on system of external service partner 12th June Eindhoven
WWW is already a free market of services
Windows software from from Yahoo, google etc. Shopping directory by eBay Books and electronics by Amazon Homepage provider, blogger tools, social networks … 12th June Eindhoven
SAP Is Ready for SOA Netweaver BusinessByDesign (ByD)
BAPI delivers SAP as services Unfortunately not yet complete Workflow connects to messaging SRM, CRM, BI are service hubs Full connectivity via RFC and HTTP BusinessByDesign (ByD) An excellent service suite Dynamics AX and ByD will be ERP champions 12th June Eindhoven
How enterprises learn from the success story of the WWW.
Cape Enterprise 2.0 How enterprises learn from the success story of the WWW. Finally.
Enterprise 2.0 (3.0?) „Webification“ of enterprise collaboration
Central Sharepoints for data Life Collaboration „You Tube“ for enterprises and life-cams Desktop-Sharing Enterprise Search Semnatic Web Wiki Libraries instead of directory trees Enterprise wide discussion forums ERP Desktop Integration Application Outlook
Enterprise 2.0 Learns WWW Enterprises adopt the succesful WWW
WWW is based on services WWW is a grown SOA Learning from AMAZON, Google, XING, Wikipedia, eBAY, YouTube Enterprises finally understand the benefits of adopting a great some of the succesful concepts and services that have become daily routine for the users of the WWW. Google. Amazon and Wikipedia should be given the merits of havinjg changed our daily life. Especially Wikipedia demonstrated succesfully that communities can produce quality results without a monarchical control based on trust and competition.
Social Networks are on the rise
Social communities like XINK, LinkedIn Stay in touch with business friends The big Mathematical brain: Matheon Best math genies form a new giant math brain Developer networks No OSS anymore SDN is the place to go 12th June Eindhoven
SOA is the groundwork for Enterprise 2.0
Enterprise 2.0 is based on collaboration Collaboration requires SOA Enterprises are not yet SOA ready … 12th June Eindhoven
Enterprise Apps Become Services
Enterprise Suites turn into Service Collections Enterprise Suites Service Collections 12th June Eindhoven A necessity for a SOA success is a quick transformation of the functionality of enterrpise applications into a collection of services allowing the most important and strongest features to be reused by other applications.
What is SOA? Making sure that we speak of the same.
„First confuse the words then the things“
SOA is More Than Middleware and ESB
12th June Eindhoven The traditional middleware vendors did a great job in having their audience the impression that buying one of their product will pay for a full featured SOA. Unfortunately the truth cannot be farther away. But SOA is far more than just middleware or the implementation of an Enterprise Service Bus. Middleware and ESB are the communication layer They are the streets and code of traffic
SOA is the Marketplace for Services
SOA Market Gover-nance Front-end Services Semantics Abst-raction Persis- tence Virtuali-zation Security& Safety Hard-ware Governance Frontend Services Semantics Abstraction Middleware Persistence Virtualization Security & Safety Physical Layer 12th June Eindhoven SOA is architecture that allows a convenient addition, removal and exectution of servcies. In addition SOA shall permanently investigate the needs of service usage and decide if some popular service can be offered as public services centrally on top of the SOA marketplace.
Thinking different The important thing in SOA is not so much to obtain new technology as to discover new ways of thinking about them.
SOA is the Service Marketplace
SOA by nature is a service. SOA is completely useless without services. It is also useless if SOA does not help to make the service deployment and service execution as convenient as possible. SOA caters for an infrastructure and basic services to make the execution of services as convenient as possible
SOA Component Stack Governance Frontend Services Semantics Abstraction
Investment, arbitration, SOA marketing Governance Design, Accessability, Desktop Integration Frontend ERP Components, APIs, UDDI Services BI, Search, Semantic Web 3.0, repository Semantics Programming, VM, Managed Runtime Abstraction Messaging, Workflow, ETL, Data Adapters Middleware DB, MQ, Filesys, Replication Persistence Ressource sharing, Scaling, Recovery Virtualization Firewalls, compliance, encryption Security & Safety Network, Hardware Physical Layer Governance Investment, arbitration, SOA marketing Frontend Design, Accessability, Desktop Integration Services ERP components, APIs, UDDI Semantics BI, Search, Semantic Web 3.0, repository Abstraction Programming, VM, Managed Runtime Middleware Messaging, Workflow, ETL, Data Source Persistence DB, MQ, Filesys, Replication Virtualization Ressource sharing, Scaling, Recovery Security & Safety Firewalls, compliance, Access security, encryption Physical layer Network, Hardware 12th June Eindhoven Middleware is only one of many layers in a full stack of Services that alltogether form a SOA. It is important to understand that the completeness of the stack is the essential, since every individual that operates in a SOA environment can expect the presence of any of the stack layers and promoted services.
How to Get SOA? The administration and development planning of cities are the role model for SOA governance.
Secret of Success in a Society lies in producing Win-Win-Situation
12th June Eindhoven Visible Wins … not hidden wins
EAI SOA Evolves like a City SOA Evolution
Traditional IT Mainframe EAI SOA There is a stunning similarity between the global development of villages and cities and the evolution of SOA. We speak of the global village and internauts that live in social networks and travel on the virtual highway called internet. The enterprise IT of the future will be a virtual village. We can but learn from the many thousand years of political experience in adminstration and governance of villages. And every day there are surprises, you cannot control and predict everything
In the beginning …. there were isolated habitats That was inefficient
Every farm autonomous Water, nutrition … all supplied by themselves That was inefficient 12th June Eindhoven In the beginning, when humans started settlements they built isolated farms. Every farm
Then habitats started sharing services
Common fountain Farms specialiing in meat OR crop Expert services were created Schools, smiths, waggoners, carpenters, bakeries … One town wall protects everybody 12th June Eindhoven
Community is more efficient than the sum of individuals
12th June Eindhoven
As communities grew Marketplaces for services came to be
12th June Eindhoven Marketplaces for services came to be
How Getting SOA: Imagine Marketplaces
Cities mean communities SOA is for communities Enterprise 2.0 is community Cities mean communities SOA is for communities Enterprise 2.0 is a community 12th June Eindhoven
Challenges of Interacting Societies
12th June Eindhoven Freely interacting agents create an uncontrollable form of complexity
Oligarchy cannot cope with complexity
12th June Eindhoven
How Do You Control Complexity?
How to control the crew of a ship? How to you control an army? How to govern a city? How to you control China, Zimbabwe? 12th June Eindhoven Knowing about complexity does not help us further. We have to understand how we can cope with the challenges of a new complexity. `Lucky we are, that situations of many to many interactions are not new in this our world. Indeed, we encounter complex (this means: non linear) situations of interaction every day and in every level of our human societies. Why wouldn‘t we ask ourself if they ways how those societies cope with their complex livings give us some proven concepts that we can adopt for our own necessities. How do you control a project team of 50 people? Does it really work that you tell them what to do and what not to do - and then it all works? How do you control the crew of an ocean liner? How do you control an army? How do you control a company with employees? How do you control a country like China? Over 1000 Millions of people? Is it really law and order? Why does then law and order not work in Iraq or Zimbabwe? For project teams the standard recommendation used to be standardized plans that were called "roadmaps" and looks like a "waterfall" in a typical GANTT-Chart. In fact, such phased plans are based on the assumption that there is an inherent and natural linear cascade of dependencies. Especially the waterfall technique ignores notoriously the possibility that an action at a certain moment of time may reverberate back to previously completed action and invalidate the precondition that was the basis for the cascade. Since you typically cannot control every behaviour at any moment of time of a group of people (or another group of independently acting objects) a waterfall plan is normally useless in real life.
Waterfall Doesn‘t Meet Complexity
Waterfall method imply linearity Waterfall ignores that action may reverberate to earlier conditions Waterfall is not agile Waterfalls imply deterministic scenarios and linearity Waterfalls ignores that actions may reverberate to earlier conditions Waterfalls are not agile They cannot cope with uncertainties 12th June Eindhoven The classical waterfall method is designed for purely linear, deterministic scenarios. In a SOA and Enterprise 2.0 we hardly find situations where we can tell easily up-front with certainty how the consequent action will look like. Since waterfall requires pre-determination of consequnece a waterfall project method cannot cope with feedback cicles, with uncertainty, and is therefore not agile. Waterfall is therefore no choice for the challenges of Enterprise 2.0.
The Paradox of Uncertainty
2-body Theorem A satellite revolves in an exact elliptical path around it gravitational center point. 3-body Theorem There is no elementary mathematical formula to calculate the paths of three body that interact with each other 12th June Eindhoven Uncertainty hits us at palces where we do not expect and where our alleged common sense rebels. We all know from physics that a planet takes an elliptical orbit around a central star. There is a formula well described by Johannes Kepler that lets us calculate the position of the planet in the orbit at any given moment of time. Unfortunately this is a purely hypothetical constellation. In reality there are far more gravitational fields that may influence the motion path. And now a paradox of uncertainty hits: if there are three freely interacting bodies then there is no mathematical deterministic formula to calculate the exact positioon of all the three bodies.
Coincidence is the only true ruler of the universe.
Napoleon Bonaparte Coincidence is the only true ruler of the universe. 12th June Eindhoven
How do you control planets‘ motion?
Planets are controlled by gravitation. Gravitation produces a focal point. Gravitation means attraction. 12th June Eindhoven Let us ask another questions far wider than the widest of our horizons. How do you control the movement of planets? Again we have an example of mutually interacting but independent objects. Thrown into the void the planets would make them move without a plan and in complete chaos. But there is a magic that makes them move in celestial harmony: gravitation. Gravitation is the point of attraction for the planets. And this leads as to the spur for the secret of true control in interacting systems: When it comes to the question how to control complex systems the strategy is to build up a focal point of attraction. gravitation
Attraction controls communities
Enterprises are communities Attraction may be More money, less costs More creativeness More fun and joy More productiveness Better quality Creativeness Fun and joy Produc-tiveness Quality Money 12th June Eindhoven
A Devine Circle SOA Creates Attraction Better SOA creates attractions
Attraction creates services Services drive enhancements in architecture Better SOA creates more attractions Device Circle SOA Creates Attraction Attraction creates services Services drive enhance-ments Better SOA creates attractions 12th June Eindhoven
SOA Stays and Falls With Services
SOA needs Elementary (=Public) Services Otherwise SOA is like a city without craftsmen City Services: Government,&Administration, Police, Justice Streets, water&electricty, garbage removal Private Services Craft, commerce (commodities and assistence) 12th June Eindhoven
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Every bright idea has been thought of before, you only need to try thinking of it again. Alles Gescheite ist schon gedacht worden, man muss nur versuchen, es noch einmal zu denken. 12th June Eindhoven
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