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Wednesday, May 9, 2018 to Friday, May 11, 2018

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1 Wednesday, May 9, 2018 to Friday, May 11, 2018
Friendly Pines Wednesday, May 9, 2018 to Friday, May 11, 2018

2 Purpose of the trip team building
enhanced knowledge of environmental education expository writing logic and reasoning communication building self esteem

3 Items Provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner
(except snack & lunch on Wednesday and dinner on Friday) water to refill students’ water bottles cabins with private restrooms and showers fun, fun, and more fun

4 Cost Cost of the trip=$190 per student Balance was due April 20, 2018
Tax credits may be used toward the payment for the Friendly Pines field trip. Refunds will be given for emergencies and for students that do not meet the point requirement.

5 Drop Off and Pick Up Info
Students need to be dropped off at Terramar on Wednesday, May 9th by 8:00 A.M. We will be leaving PROMPTLY at 8:30 A.M Mrs. Harman and Mrs. McLuen will be waiting at the entrance to the cafeteria to check students in You may drop your child’s medication off with our camp nurse at the door. All students and chaperones need to have a sack lunch and snack for the afternoon of the first day We plan on returning to Terramar by 1:30 P.M. on Friday, May 11th. Students may not ride the bus home with their luggage and sleeping bag. All students will be dismissed at 3:00 p.m.

6 Luggage/Prepare Your Child
Prior to your arrival at Terramar, clearly label your child’s luggage with his/her name -We suggest using a piece of duct tape and a permanent marker When packing the bag, make sure that it is of a size and weight such that your child can physically carry it. The camp is mostly dirt so wheeled luggage may be difficult Roll your sleeping bag and pillow up and put it in a garbage bag, labeled with tape and marker. For many of your children, this is the first time for them to be away from home for an extended period of time. To prevent homesickness, which can ruin a child’s camp experience, send them off with a smile and an expectation that they will have the best time of their lives.

7 Rules No candy, gum, or food is to be brought by the students with the exception of a sack lunch and one snack for the first day. Students and chaperones will not be allowed to leave the campgrounds After “LIGHTS OUT”, no student may leave the cabin without a chaperone. AT NO TIME will the boys be allowed in or near the girls’ cabins. AT NO TIME will the girls be allowed in or near the boys’ cabins. Students must PROMPTLY obey all directions given by the chaperones. No put-downs. Cabins will come up with a shower schedule (required by all students). Participate in all activities (“Try”). If you are having a problem – tell an adult. No cabin switching. Be considerate and courteous to everyone. No pranks or practical jokes. Students will not be allowed to bring hand-held video games or cell phones Consequences for misbehavior include time-outs, grounds clean-up, and loss of privileges. IF A SERIOUS BEHAVIOR PROBLEM OCCURS, THE PARENT WILL BE CALLED TO COME PICK UP THEIR CHILD, REGARDLESS OF THE TIME. (This means if your child leaves the cabin at 3:00 A.M. without a chaperone, you will be called at 3:00 A.M. to come pick him/her up.) FOR EACH CHILD’S SAFETY, WE MUST ENFORCE THESE RULES AND CONSEQUENCES.

8 Safety We operate with at least a 7 to 2 ratio of students to chaperones, not including teachers and camp staff. Kids are instructed to remain with their chaperones at all times, and never one-on-one All chaperones have been district volunteer trained and fingerprint cleared. We are bringing an R.N. to handle medications and medical issues. All teachers will be available at all times.

9 Supplies Flashlight Towel, Wash Cloth At least 2 pairs:
Hanger for towel Reusable Water Bottle Book for down-time Umbrella/ Rain gear Optional Items Brought at Own Risk Camera – We recommend disposable camera Ipod – Used only on the bus and in the cabins. Cards and or a small Board game No Electronic Games of any kind are allowed!! At least 2 pairs: jeans/ sweatpants/ shorts Sweatshirts/Shirts Undergarments/extra socks pajamas Long Underwear Heavy Winter Jacket/Coat Tennis or hiking shoes – 2 pair minimum (no sandals) Shower Shoes Soap and Shampoo Toothbrush and Toothpaste Deodorant Comb/brush Chapstick/Sun Block/Sunglasses Mittens/ Ear muffs/ Caps/ Scarf Pillow, Sleeping Bag or Sheets & Blankets(in a plastic bag w/ name)

10 Additional Information
Each student will be required to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They are going to be very busy and we don’t want sick children. If your child has a food allergy, please let your child’s homeroom teacher know in writing, if you haven’t done so already. All students will be expected to participate in all duties and activities. If your child has any physical limitations that would prevent full participation, please let your child’s homeroom teacher know in writing, if you haven’t done so already. We will bring each student’s pink health emergency card with us. If this card is not up to date, please stop by the nurse’s office and update it as soon as possible. The camp EMERGENCY phone number is (928) Friendly Pines Camp Ground 933 East Friendly Pines Road Prescott, AZ 86303 REMEMBER–IF YOU WILL BE SENDING ANY MEDICATION WITH YOUR CHILD, IT MUST BE SENT, WITH THE RELEASE FORM, THE MORNING OF THE TRIP. ALL MEDICATION MUST BE IN THE ORIGINAL CONTAINER AND IN A ZIPLOC BAG WITH THE CHILD’S NAME IN BLACK PERMANENT MARKER.

11 Arrive at school by 8:15 A.M. – Bring sack lunch and snack
Itinerary Day 1: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 Arrive at school by 8:15 A.M. – Bring sack lunch and snack 8:45A.M. Leave Terramar 11:00 A.M. Arrive Friendly Pines Camp Ground, Prescott, Arizona Unload buses, unpack, and settle into assigned cabins. Eat snack. 11:30 A.M. Rules meeting in the meeting hall 12:00 P.M. LUNCH 12:30 P.M. R & R in cabins 1:00 – 5:15 P.M. See attached schedule Snack (Given out during group activities) 5:15 P.M. Free time and clean up for dinner 6:00 P.M. DINNER 7:30 – 8:15 P.M. Group Tic-Tac-Toe 8:30 – 9:15 P.M. Campfire/Alternative Activity 9:30 P.M. Back in the cabins and all students are to shower 9:30 – 10:00 P.M. In bed reading 10:00 P.M. LIGHTS OUT

12 8:00 – 12:15 P.M. See attached schedule
Day 2: Thursday May 10, 2018 7:00 A.M. Wake up bell Wash up and get ready for breakfast (brush teeth and apply deodorant) 7:30 A.M. BREAKFAST 8:00 – 12:15 P.M. See attached schedule Snack (Given out during group activities) 12:15 P.M. LUNCH 1:00 – 5:15 P.M. See attached schedule 5:15 P.M. Free time and clean up for dinner 6:00 P.M. DINNER 7:30 – 9:30 P.M. Drama Cabin Activities 9:30 – 10:00 P.M. In bed reading 10:00 P.M. LIGHTS OUT

13 Day 3: Friday May 11, :00 A.M. Wake up bell (start packing) 7:30 A.M. BREAKFAST 8:00 – 9:15 See attached schedule 9:15-10:15 Final pack and cabin inspection 10:30–11:30 Sack lunches provided by camp 11:30 A.M. Depart for Phoenix 1:30 P.M. Arrive at Terramar 3:00 P.M. All students are picked up and staff departs

14 Questions All of this information and paperwork can be found on the 5th grade website

15 Chaperones Attend a volunteer training session
Must go through the fingerprint screening Ride the bus to and from camp Must stay on Friendly Pines grounds at all times Willingness to work with all fifth graders Chaperone students to and from activities at camp Eat with the students during mealtimes Chaperone evening events Sleep in the room with the students Guide the students in problem-solving Guide students to write in their journal after each activity Participate in activities with students Work with the teachers and camp staff to make this an enjoyable experience for everyone!

16 Toxic Waste

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