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Presentation on theme: "Tigers."— Presentation transcript:

1 tigers

2 appearance Tigers are the biggest cats on earth.
All tigers have black stripes. Tiger have 30 strong terrifying teeth Most Bengal tigers have blue eyes. The smallest type of tiger is the summatian.

3 Habitat Tigers live in ASIA Tigers live in north Korea.
Some tigers live in swamps. Tigers live in tropical forests. Tigers also live in snowy places.

4 diet Tigers hunt deers ,buffalos ,boars or other prey .
All tigers eat meat especially deers and pig. When prey comes near tigers crouch to pounce on them.

5 adaptations They have strong teeth and strong jaws.
They kill animals with sharp teeth. There strong legs help them run fast to catch up with there prey.

6 Fun facts The biggest siberian tiger was known to weigh 1,027 pounds.
Tigers live by there selves. Tiger cubs stay with there moms for 2 years. Tigers are the biggest cats on earth. Some hunters hunt tigers and take out the skin for mats.

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