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Characteristics,Construction, Recovery

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics,Construction, Recovery"— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics,Construction, Recovery

2 Initial design criteria
5,280 ft Carry a student payload National CanSat program No bigger than a 12 fl oz soda can Mass no greater than 1 kg USLI requires a dual deployment recovery

3 Characteristics Electronics in nose cone Air brake system
Three fin design

4 Construction G10 fiberglass Motor K560W by Aerotech
2,560 Newton seconds (thrust)x(burn time) 120 lbs of thrust 4.5 seconds of burn time

5 Flight Profile 5 phases Boost phase Coast phase
Deployment of drogue chute at apogee Initial decent rate Approximately 60 ft/sec Deployment of main chute at 500 ft Slows approximately to less than 20 ft/sec Close and intact recovery

6 Boost Phase

7 Insert Apogee

8 Insert Drogue Descent

9 Insert 500’ Main

10 Insert Main Descent

11 Rocket Center of Pressure Calculation

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