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remember your Latin Name?

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Presentation on theme: "remember your Latin Name?"— Presentation transcript:

1 remember your Latin Name?
Latin girls names end in the way we have seen: Subject = Cynthi-a Direct Object = Cynthi-am Latin boys names end slightly differently: Subject = Luci-us Direct Object = Luci-um

2 Roman Magic

3 Witches and wizards? Orpheus played beautiful music
Because of his music, he was allowed to lead Eurydice back to the world of the living Magic using music? Orpheus and Eurydice

4 Witches and wizards? Medea helped Jason in his quest for the Golden Fleece Ovid, a Roman poet, described her as magical Witches couldn’t be trusted! Jason and Medea

5 Harry Potter Harry Potter might be a great wizard… but his Latin isn’t always perfect!

6 Harry Potter expecto patronum = I await a guardian expelliarmus = expellimus (we banish) or expello (I banish)

7 Did the romans celebrate Halloween?

8 Did the romans celebrate Halloween?
13th February: Parentalia Temples were closed Weddings were forbidden People visited graves of loved ones 9th May: Lemuralia “lemures” = hungry ghosts! At midnight, people threw black beans over their shoulders for the hungry ghosts to eat

9 Defixio – A latin curse

10 Witches, curses and spells

11 Using these words make up your own sentences about the witches.
Subjects Verbs Direct Objects Lamia Venefica Femina Consecrat Transfigurat Curat Vulnerat Iuvat Permutat Puellam Agricolam Piratam Poetam Insulam Silvam Aquam Using these words make up your own sentences about the witches.

12 What is an Adjective? Adjectives are describing words Can you think of any examples ? Red Happy playful Yellow Sad Clever

13 Adjectives in Latin Adjectives take the same ending as the Noun they are describing (for the moment). The slave is clever Servus est doctus The girl is clever Puella est docta

14 Mus est albus Audio magnum virum The mouse is white
My father is a great man Audio magnum virum

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