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Understanding Timelines

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1 Understanding Timelines


3 Origin Called Gregorian Calendar named after Pope Gregory XIII, and later revised to Julian calendar in 1582 to be more accurate to the birth of Jesus. Most widely used calendar in the world.

4 Why do historians use timelines?
A Decade = 10 years A Millennium = years * Derives from Latin word “mile” A Century= 100 years

5 B.C. AND A.D (B.C.E AND C.E.) B.C. It is also known as B.C. (Before the Common Era) Also known as “Before Christ” A.D. (from the Latin words Anno Domini-meaning “in the year of our Lord”) refers to the years from the birth of Christ up to the present. Instead of A.D, many writers and historians now use C.E., meaning the “Common Era”. How should present time (August 18, 2013) be identified? B.C. or A.D.?

6 Which group of dates is in chronological order?
A. 123 B.C., 120 B.C., 18 B.C., 1985 A.D. B. 37 B.C., 38 B.C., 98 A.D., 1995 A.D. C. 557 A.D., 234 B.C., 56 A.D., 22 B.C.

7 Objective Students will be able to understand the difference between A.D, C.E., B.C., C.E. Students will be able to correctly label dates in history on a timeline.

8 What century are we in? 1ST 3RD 2ND

9 Centuries 0-99 A.D.- 1st century 100-199 A.D- 2nd century
A.D.- 3rd century A.D.- 4th century ?century ? century

10 Examples: What century?
7A.D.- 254 A.D.- 400 A.D.- 1889 A.D.-

11 Basic Roman Numeral

12 Origins You will learn how the Romans conquered the Mediterranean and expanded their influence. This is the reason Latin and the Roman Numeral system is so popular and still used in the “Western World.”

13 Rome’s Influence

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