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Welcome to Low Port Residential Experience

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Low Port Residential Experience"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Low Port Residential Experience
Information Evening Wednesday 5th October

2 General Information Children have an overnight experience at Low Port Centre in Linlithgow. Dates – 26th/27th April and 31st May/1st June A ratio of 1 adult to 6 children is used for any trip – other WPS staff members will accompany, including a qualified first aider. There are three floors at Low Port with two members of WPS staff sleeping on each floor. Clothes – old is fine!

3 Benefits of Experience
Development and consolidation of topic work – links to curriculum for excellence Outdoor learning experiences for most of the day…no matter what the weather is! Develop new skills and knowledge Independent living skills Engage with staff and peers at a deeper level Problem solving capabilities

4 Overview of visit – day 1 Leave school 9.30am
Arrive at Low Port Centre for first activity Packed lunch which should be brought to school in the morning Second Low Port Activity Showers (if required), unpack, evening meal provided by centre Evening activities DVD, supper and bed

5 Possible Activities Orienteering Woodland Adventure Canadian Canoeing
Archery Games on the Peel Woodland skills, fire lighting, song singing and storytelling These activities will be led by Low Port Instructors or a trained member of staff and will link to curriculum for exellence

6 Overview of visit – day 2 Get up, pack and breakfast provided by Low Port Centre Activity such as visit to Linlithgow Palace led by the Linlithgow PS Palace guides Canal boat trip, visit to Annet House or nature walk around loch Packed lunch provided by Low Port Centre 1.45pm – return bus home Reflective activity in class

7 Cost £42.75 per child for residential (including meals)
£7.25 per child per instructed activity x2 Transport costs – around £200 (but may be less) Canal Boat trip (if required) £3 per child Staff costs - dependant on numbers Palace Guide tour - free Total per child approximately £70 (this is subject to change depending on final transport and activity costs and final pupil numbers) Council concessions policy – 50% reduction in residential. Please notify school office

8 Last bits…… It is better to assume your child will be ready to go to camp by the end of P3 – very few pupils have opted out over the years Please let us know of any concerns you have about your child attending Lowport – we will do everything we can to accommodate your child’s needs. Please advise us of any sleeping issues or nervousness about being away from home. Please be aware that any medication, including over-the-counter will need advance permission for us to administer

9 Any Questions?

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