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Industrialization and Urbanization

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Presentation on theme: "Industrialization and Urbanization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrialization and Urbanization 1870-1920
Unit 5: US History

2 Industrialization and Urbanization 1870-1920
Industrial Expansion Rise of Organized Labor Urbanization New Immigration Closing of the West Populism Progressive Era

3 The Gilded Age

4 Gilding The term gilding covers a number of decorative techniques for applying fine gold leaf or powder to solid surfaces such as wood, stone, or metal to give a thin coating of gold.

5 The Breakers – Rhode Island

6 The Breakers – Rhode Island

7 The Breakers – Rhode Island

8 The Breakers – Rhode Island

9 Gilded Age Tenement

10 Gilded Age Tenement

11 Gilded Age Tenement

12 Causes of Business Expansion
Labor Capital Transportation Technology Government Policy Natural Resources Civil War Business Leaders

13 What was the most important cause of industrial expansion in the era after the Civil War? Why? What was the least important cause of industrial expansion in the era after the Civil War? Why? Compare a technological development in the Industrial Age ( ) to a technological development discussed previously in class.

14 New Technologies 1860-1905 Bessemer Steel (stronger steel)
Internal Combustion Engine Typewriter Dynamite Electric Motor Telephone Phonograph Light Bulb Radio X-Ray Motion Picture Airplane

15 Government Policy Pacific Telegraph Act - 1860
Pacific Railway Act – 1862 Land Grants Homestead Act -1862 Open Immigration No Regulations No Taxes


17 Land Grants

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