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Please make a new IN-OUT page. You do NOT need to have a Through page!

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Presentation on theme: "Please make a new IN-OUT page. You do NOT need to have a Through page!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please make a new IN-OUT page. You do NOT need to have a Through page!
Welcome! Please make a new IN-OUT page. You do NOT need to have a Through page!

2 IN- Synonym Quiz- Write the synonyms below, then write the vocabulary word that matches beside it.
exile traveler protection defend judge suggest agreement refugee migrant asylum advocate evaluate imply consensus

3 Learning Targets I can demonstrate how reading makes me smarter.
Continue procedure for Marking the Text REad and take quizzes on 3

4 Routine for Starting a new Text
Marking the Text Number the paragraphs. Skim and scan the text “One thing I noticed while scanning this text is that _____________.” “Yes, and I also noticed that ________.” Read the text using partner cloze. Read individually with a specific purpose. Box vocabulary words Circle key terms Underline main ideas We were here when class ended yesterday. 4

5 Today’s Reading Work Finish reading “U.N. Pushes for Migrants to be Called Refugees” using partner cloze. Go back through the text individually and: Box the vocabulary words Circle key terms (some words may be both a key term and a vocabulary word) Underline main ideas Tomorrow, you will share your markings with a partner, then with the class. When you are finished marking your text, get a chromebook and log into

6 On Go to “Binder,” then scroll to the bottom to see the assigned articles. Read those and take the quizzes. Then continue to choose articles to read and take quizzes. After you’ve done 8 articles, newsela will give us your reading level. The more quizzes you take, the more accurate the reading level is. So if you’ve done 8 and you still have class time, read and quiz some more!

7 OUT Summary/Reflection
Today we ____________. I think I will remember __________ the most, because _______________. 7

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