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Arie Vissers.

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Presentation on theme: "Arie Vissers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arie Vissers

2 Inhoud cursus Statement list Sequential function chart Programmeren
Mono/bi-stabiel Timer Counter

3 Statement list D.m.v. pascal/basic commando's Voorbeeld: Step 5 If i0.0 and i0.2 then set o0.0 Step 10 If i0.1 and i0.3 then reset o0.0

4 Allocation list absolute operand symbolische operand omschrijving Inputs I0.0 sig_a0 reed a0 Outputs O0.0 A_plus cil a uit Timers T1 tim1 timer 1 Counters C0 count_0 counter 0


6 Sequential function chart

7 programmeren

8 Mono of bi-stabiel

9 Timer (T0-T…)

10 Step 0 If …and…… then load V500 to TP0 Step 25 If ………
Step 0 If …and…… then load V500 to TP0 Step 25 If ………. Then set T0 Step 30 If N T0 then ………….

11 Counter (C0-C…)

12 Increase Step 0 If i…. And i….. Then load v5 to CP0 Set C0 Step 35 If i… and i.. Then reset o…. Inc CW0 Step 40 If i …. And C0 (= counter 0) then jmp to 5 If i …. And N C0 then jmp to 0

13 Decrease Step 0 Set C0 If i…. And i….. Then load v5 to CW0 Step 35 If i… and i.. Then reset o…. dec CW0 Step 40 If i …. And (CW0>V0 then jmp to 5 Othrw jmp to 0

14 Eerste programma Maak een programma met de volgende Besturings formule A+ B+ A-/B- Eerst beginnen met allocation list en SFC

15 allocationlist

16 Monostabiel

17 Bistabiel

18 Les 2 Maak een programma met de formule A+ B+ A- B-

19 Monostabiel A.L.

20 Programma

21 De Timer Formule is A+ B+ /C+ Tt B- A- /C- Step 0 If …and……
then load V500 to TP0 Step .. If ………. Then set T0 If N T0 then ………….

22 Allocation list


24 Noodstop In elke regel komt de noodstop erbij Step 5 If N i1.0 then jmp to 100 If i.. Then set …. Step 10 enz

25 Noodstop vervolg Step 100 If N i1.0 then reset o0.0 reset ……. Step 110 If i0.0 then …….. Jmp to 0


27 Formule A+ B+/C+ T0 B- A-/C- Stop = B- T1 C- A- Timer 0 = 3 sec Timer 1 = 3sec



30 Formule A+ B+ B- A-/C- B+ B- C- 3X STOP C- Tt A-/B-



33 Koffie en bouwen

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