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Title of your Project Your Name.

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Presentation on theme: "Title of your Project Your Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title of your Project Your Name

2 Description of your Project
In this part of the presentation, specifically explain what your project was.

3 Why I chose to do this for my project?
In this section, explain WHY you chose to do the project. Was there anyone/thing that inspired you do this for your project? What was your motivation for doing what you did for your Senior Project?

4 Step by Step Process for your project
Within these slides List the steps for your project (include illustrations/pictures to to the left)

5 Step by Step Process for your project
Within these slides List the steps for your project (include illustrations/pictures to to the left)

6 Step by Step Process for your project
List the step (include illustrations/pictures to to the left)

7 Step by Step Process for your project
List the step (include illustrations/pictures to to the left)

8 Step by Step Process for your project
Within these slides List the steps for your project (include illustrations/pictures to to the left)

9 Rigor of the Project Within this part of the presentation explain the rigor (difficulty ) of the project. Include the number of hours you spent on the project and some of the challenges and difficulties you encountered why doing this project. Essentially, you are explaining why what you did should qualify as a Senior Project.

10 Relevance of the Project
Within this part of the presentation explain the relevance of the project. How does this project relate to what you want to do in the future? If the project doesn’t relate directly to your future career, explain how the project was beneficial to the community or the things that you did in the project that you would do in your career.

11 Reflection on the Project
Within this section discuss some the outcome of your project. Reflect upon your project. Were there difficulties that you encountered? What about successes? If you were to do this project again, what would you change? What would you do differently?

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