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ENU - MUNL Training Session

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1 ENU - MUNL Training Session
January 2019 ENU - MUNL Training Session

2 What is the aim of this formation?
Basic rules of the Model United Nations 1 Formal debates 2 Informal debates 3 Public speaking 4 Team building 5 NICO

3 General outlook on the training - How a MUN works
A choice between three topics. The General Assembly (you) will have to choose one to tackle first – usually only time for this one Negotiations on how to tackle this topic : series of formal speeches and informal debates You will write different propositions with other countries in a coalition on how to tackle this issue At the very end, you vote upon these propositions that will turn into resolutions NICO

4 Agenda for today Basic rules of Model United Nations Roll call
Setting the agenda Games  NICO

5 Basic rules of MUN (1) The only accepted language is English, for speeches, AND negotiations No computer is allowed (except during informal debates) Raise your placard if you want to speak Remember that you are representing your country, and not your own point of view MARJO

6 Basic rules of MUN (2) Respect the decision of the chair even if you do not like it Be courteous and listen to other delegates Do not interrupt other delegates during speeches You can send notes (small pieces of paper with the name of your country on it) to the chair or to other delegates MARJO

NEVER (EVER!) SAY I! (Use the name of your country) MARJO

8 Rules of a Speech (1) Be polite, do not point out another delegate
Begin your speech with « Honorable chair, distinguished delegates » End it with « Thank you » Remember that you represent a country, not your own Point of View MARJO

9 Rules of a Speech (2) Refer to your country by its name, short or long – and to the other with « delegates » or « the delegate of Syria » The chair will hit the desk once when you have 10 seconds left, twice when your time is over: RESPECT THE TIME, do not try to speak when your time has ellapsed! MARJO

10 Roll call At the beginning of every session, the chair will call each country in the alphabetical order to make sure everyone is present When you hear the name of your country, you have to stand up with your placard and say: « Present » or « The delegation of [your country] is present » /!\if you are two, only one delegate stands up If you come late, send a note to the chair with the name of your country NICO

11 Setting the Agenda (1/2) Firstly, a motion to open the debate in a specific ordr is raised by a delegate 1 “The delegation of [your country] motions to set the agenda as follow: Topic 2 first, Topic 1 second” (or: “Topic 1 first, Topic 2 second”, if you want Topic 1 to be discussed first “ 2 If it passes, the topics will be discussed in the proposed order. If it fails, the chair will ask for another motion until one passes. 3 JU

12 Delegates vote « for » or « against » the proposed Agenda
Setting the Agenda (2/2) Four delegates will speak one after the other « for » and « against » the order of the agenda. Delegates vote « for » or « against » the proposed Agenda After the agenda has been set, the floor is open for a General’s Speakers List. You can change the time afterwards JU

13 Example 1 of setting the agenda
Topic A: Harry Potter Topic B: Prince Harry Speaker’s Time: 45 seconds Don’t forget to start with « Honorable Chair, fellow delegates … » NICO

14 Example 2 of setting the agenda
Topic A: Kim Jong-Un Topic B: Kim Kardashian Speaker’s Time: 45 seconds EM

15 Example 3 of setting the agenda
Topic A: Crocs Topic B: Sandales Chaussettes Speaker’s Time: 45 seconds JU

16 Example 4 of setting the agenda
Topic A: Donald Trump Topic B: Donald Duck Speaker’s Time: 45 seconds MARJO


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