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MOSES: Lessons I learned

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1 MOSES: Lessons I learned
Lessons from Moses

2 Plant a church, because births are easier than resurecctions.

3 1. Church planting never has universal support.
Lessons from Moses

4 * “We don’t need another church”.
* “Let’s strengthen the ones we already have.” * “We will lose our best members.” * “We will be weakened by a new church plant”. * “We will lose pastoral care, if we open another church”.

5 2. Church plants are magnets for eagles and snakes.
Lessons from Moses

6 Predatory Large and in charge Against Needy Transient

7 Four recommendations:
Have a clear vision. Unclear vision leads to wasted time resolving side issues that should have been settled in the beginning. Have a specific, written, membership covenant and have the people that will join the church read, agree, and sign it. Mosaic SDA Church in Hillsboro, Oregon has one of the best that I have seen. It will save you a lot of grief later, when conflict arises. Provide continual reminders of the vision. Vision leaks. Just because you presented it, don't assume people heard it, understood it, or remember it. Have patience. You don't just want more people, you want the right people.

8 3. Motivation matters. Lessons from Moses

9 *You want to “show them.” *You just want to lead.
*You think it would be nice to “try this”. *Your spiritual life has been down for a while. *Your personal/family life is strained at your present location.

10 4. Man. Messiah. Manager. Lessons from Moses

11 Know who you are and who you are not. Resist the temptation to rescue.

12 5. Live out of the overflow.
Lessons from Moses

13 I am willing.

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