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Cohesion Policy and Regional data

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1 Cohesion Policy and Regional data
presented by Lewis Dijkstra, PhD Deputy Head of Unit, Analysis Unit, DG REGIO

2 What is Cohesion Policy?
Second biggest post on the EU budget (after the Common Agricultural Policy) 350 billion euro from EU over seven years for regional development 82% goes to Convergence regions 16% goes to more developed regions 2.4% goes to regional cooperation Invests in economic, social and environmental projects

3 Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 (Regions < 75% in EU 25)
Objective 'Regional Competitiveness and Employment' Phasing-in regions, "naturally" above 75% Convergence objective statistically affected regions (Regions < 75% in EU 25) Index EU 25 = 100 Source: Eurostat 3

4 What is the Cohesion Report
Three yearly report to the European Council, Parliament, Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee Contains four chapters State and trends in EU regions Impact of national policies on Cohesion Impact of other EU policies on Cohesion Impact of Cohesion Policy

5 Homicide rate

6 Policy need Fight against crime and corruption
Investments in administrative capacity, including in judicial system and police Monitoring of regional crime trends (Cohesion Report) Regional quality of life index to be constructed with the Joint Research Centre’s composite indicator team

7 Proposal Collect the number of homicides for NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 regions annually What are NUTS regions? There are 271 NUTS 2 regions in the EU There 1303 NUTS 3 regions in the EU Corresponding levels exist in EFTA and candidate countries Not concerned: Luxembourg, Cyprus as country equals NUTS 1,2 and 3

8 NUTS 2 & 3 regions

9 Areas by degree of urbanisation
Densely populated Min inhab. Contiguous LAU2 with 500 inhab. per sq km Intermediate Contiguous LAU2 with 100 inhab. per sq km Thinly populated Not intermediate or densely populated 9

10 Crime, violence and vandalism

11 Proposal Use new degree of urbanisation classification in the 2013 safety survey New degree of urbanisation has been approved by the Labour Market Working Group last week Last step harmonisation with Urban Audit cities is ongoing and will be concluded this summer

12 Deprivation is mostly urban

13 Broadband access

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