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Computer Based Training

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1 Computer Based Training

2 Overview :- Computer Based Training v/s Web Based Training Definition
Terminologies of CAL Goal of CAL Assessment tools of CAL CAL Visualization Tools CAL Advantages Range of Use

3 CBT vs WBT CBT WBT “Computer-based training services are where a student learns by executing special training programmes on a computer relating to their occupation.” “Web-based training is a type of training similar to CBT, but it is delivered over the Internet using a web browser.”

4 Computer Based Training
Computer assisted learning is the future, and that future is now. Computer assisted learning (CAL), as the name implies, is the use of electronic devices like computers or mobiles to provide educational instruction and to learn. Computer assisted learning can be used in virtually all fields of education, ranging from TV/DVD play-learn program for kindergarten kids for teaching. CAL is developed by combining knowledge from all fields of education/learning, human computer interaction (HCI) and cognition.

5 Some Terminologies of CAL
There are some of the terms and acronyms used in the field of CAL Terminology Meaning CBT Computer Based Training/Test CAI Computer Assisted Instruction CAL Computer Assisted Learning WBT Web Based Training/Tutorial CALL Computer Assisted Language Learning WBI Web Based Instruction

6 Goal of CAL & WBT The basic goal of CAL is to stimulate and develop the learning capacity of students, increase the productivity of teachers with the help of computer based technology. Computer technology should therefore be an integrated part of the education system. Another objective of CAL is to develop easily understandable and attractive tutorials and demonstrations of the field they are employed in.

7 CAL Assessment Tools Multiple Choice Questions Fill-in the Gap
Find the Answers Crossword Puzzles Online Interactive Chat Drills Web Quest Adventure Games Listening Exercises

8 CAL Visualization Tools
Visualization is an important aspect of CAL. 3D objects can easily be created and refined using 2D plots. Traditional tools for visual demonstration such as photographs, sketches, maps, and renderings are now grossly inadequate for teaching a subject/course that requires attention to detail. The new visualization tools include 3D computer models, video demonstration, animations, coloured computer maps etc. The most popular software tool for developing visual programs is JAVA. With JAVA, one can easily write and build software that can run on different platforms without much modification. JAVA can be combined with HTML and VRML to create portable and interactive web-based applications.

9 Advantages of CAL CAL provides many advantages to the education sector. These include – Self-Paced/ Self-Directed Learning Improved Computer Skill Visualization Learning Efficiency Sensory Stimulation Communication Development Content/Lesson-Centred Enthusiasm

10 Impediments of CAL No interaction with other users Becomes obsolete quickly Security risk Requires stable internet access in WBT Distraction from the web Not in all areas available Few update possibilities

11 -: Thank you : - Visit : - Twitter: @CSClasss
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