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SUBSTITUTION 7th Grade/Unit 1

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1 SUBSTITUTION 7th Grade/Unit 1
Formative Performance Task 1 SUBSTITUTION What was life like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will write an essay explaining what life was like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War? Steps: Log in to your laptop using your username. Go to the following FreedomFlix link. Click on WATCH IT to watch a short video as your anticipatory set. Click on READ IT and use the arrow to move through the pages. Write down main ideas from the text. Using a word processing software (e.g. MS Word), write a summary of what life was like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War. Featured Source: Freedom Flix MS Word or word processor software Featured Tech Tools: Computer or device with internet access Teacher Name: Richard Hinton School: Molo Middle School Address: Special Considerations: FreedomFlix can be accessed through CPSB media resources. Assessment: Essay

2 AUGMENTATION 7th Grade/Unit 1
Formative Performance Task 2 AUGMENTATION What was life like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will create a presentation explaining what life was like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War. Steps : Log in to your laptop using your username. Go to the following FreedomFlix link. Click on WATCH IT to watch a short video as your anticipatory set. Click on READ IT and use the arrow to move through the pages. Write down main ideas from the text. Use Google Docs, create a presentation depicting what life was like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War. Featured Source: Freedom Flix Google Slides Featured Tech Tools: Computer or device with internet access Teacher Name: Richard Hinton School: Molo Middle Address: Special Considerations: Teacher will have to set-up a google slide to allow students to edit. Assessment: Teacher will give feedback in real time as students work in the google slide.

3 MODIFICATION 7th Grade/Unit 1
Summative Performance Task 3 MODIFICATION What was life like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will create a skit to present understanding of what life was like for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War. Steps Take 2-3 minutes to elect a person for each of the following roles: Archon, Vice-archon, Orator & Scribe. The orator will log in to your laptop using your username. Go to the following FreedomFlix link Click on WATCH IT to watch a short video as your anticipatory set. Click on READ IT and use the arrow to move through the page. Have the scribe write down main ideas from the text. In collaboration with your group, think of a story plot and begin working on a skit. Design a rough outline of your skit. The archon will delegate roles and duties. Rehearse your skit. Have your vice-archon get an iPad (one is all you need!) for your group. Film your skit using iMovie app. Be careful when editing or adding effects because we have limited time for re-shoots! Show your movie to the class using Apple TV. Featured Source: Freedom Flix iMovie App Featured Tech Tools: iPad Apple TV Teacher Name: Richard Hinton School: Molo Middle School Address: Special Considerations: FreedomFlix can be accessed through CPSB digital resources. iPads are required. Internet required. Assessment: Summative

4 REDEFINITION 7th Grade/Unit 1
Summative Performance Task 4 REDEFINITION What was life like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will create a documentary video answering an essential question related to what was life like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War. Each group will take on different subtopics and collaborate to create one final product. Steps Take 5-6 minutes to elect a person for each of the following roles: Executive producer, producer, researcher, writer, and/or cameraman. The writer will log in to your laptop using your username. Go to the following FreedomFlix link Click on WATCH IT to watch a short video as your anticipatory set. Click on READ IT and use the arrow to move through the page. Have the researcher write down main ideas from the text. Discuss with your group your essential question. Using a jig-saw model, you will now collaborate with individuals from other groups who share the same role as you. (e.g. executive producers, producers, etc.) Writers will create the storyboard and plan how the documentary will flow, cameramen will scout locations and create necessary props, executive producers will coordinate scheduling use of iPad(s) and collaborations among different groups, producers and researchers make sure their group “fills in the blanks” of researching and answers their essential question. Begin filming your documentary. Producers will continue to delegate duties as necessary. Editors will collaborate to edit final product, executive producers will continue to collaborate amongst groups until project is complete and adhere to writer’s storyboard. Create class specific folders in the iPad camera roll. Open camera roll folder for the class before you. Watch their documentary and write a critique on it. Featured Source: Freedom Flix iPad video Featured Tech Tools: iPads Teacher Name: Richard Hinton School: Molo Middle School Address: Special Considerations: FreedomFlix can be accessed through CPSB digital resources. Duties should be clearly defined for each role ahead of time. Assessment: Documentary Criteria: Answer the essential question: Evidence cited. Creativity Insight Storyboard design How well collaborated within group(s)

5 IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet
Teacher: Richard Hinton Louisiana Social Studies Standard (include description): 7.1.5, 7.4.1 Question from “Content and Claims” Here: What was life like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War? Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology You will create a documentary video answering an essential question related to what was life like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War. Each group will take on different subtopics and collaborate to create one final product. Freedom Flix iPad video iPads You will create a skit to present understanding of what life was like for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War. iMovie App iPad Apple TV You will create a presentation explaining what life was like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War. Google Slides Computer or device with internet access You will write an essay explaining what life was like in the colonies for different groups of people before and during the Revolutionary War? MS Word or word processor software REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.

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