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Saving and financial independence

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Presentation on theme: "Saving and financial independence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Saving and financial independence
Daniel Folkinshteyn, PhD Money 101 |

2 Learning objectives Define financial independence
Describe spending and saving ratios Model path to financial independence Distinguish between needs and wants Describe benefits of financial independence Money 101 |

3 Money flows other people Income Debt stuff financial independence
Assets Money 101 |

4 Money flows over time Money 101 |

5 Quiz 1 How many years does it take to reach financial independence under these conditions? Financial independence: asset returns >= spending Money 101 |

6 Control variables Rate of return Savings rate
Money 101 |

7 Needs vs wants Continuum: an example of shelter Outside Tent Car
Mobile home Shared room Solo room, shared quarters Solo apartment Shared house Solo house Mansion Pay yourself first Lifestyle inflation Money 101 |

8 Quiz 2 If you have a 50% savings rate, how many years does it take to reach financial independence? Money 101 |

9 Model caveats Time increasers Time decreasers Some money in cash
Limitations of tax-advantaged savings vehicles Variability of rate of return Time decreasers Your income is likely to grow Rate is relatively conservative Money 101 |

10 Benefits of financial independence
Insulates from job market ups and downs Reduce or eliminate financial anxiety Enhanced ability to remain ethical in the face of financial incentives to do otherwise Opens options for more rewarding but less remunerative occupations Reduces downsides from taking risks on new ventures Money 101 |

11 Additional reading The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy by Thomas J. Stanley Money 101 |

12 Attributions All images, unless otherwise noted, are sourced from or Wikimedia Commons, and are licensed under CC0, public domain. Money 101 |

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