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Presentation on theme: "HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher The "Great Man" theory of history."— Presentation transcript:


2 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher The "Great Man" theory of history is usually attributed to the Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle, who wrote that "the history of the world is but the biography of great men." He believed that it is the few, the powerful and the famous who shape our collective destiny Note: even though it is called the great man theory women are also believed to have shaped our history when adhering to this theory

3 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher The great man theory is an older theory used to explain the history of the world. While it may no longer be the leading theory used when studying history, it still gives an interesting insight into why and how certain things happened. For this web quest you will be required to pick 3 historical individuals from various time periods up to 1500 C.E. Choices are listed on the PROCESS page.PROCESS When researching your selected people you will be required to find their biographical information, as in what time period did they live and where did they live. You will also have to determine what their historical significance is, along with their historical relevance you must determine what impact their life has on today. While you are looking at the impact of these great men and women consider why this theory is or is not a good way to explore history.

4 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher For this web quest you will work in groups of 2 or 3. Each group will pick 3 individuals from the process page and review the websites associated with them.process page After reviewing the information you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation, consisting of a minimum of 4 slides* explaining the following to the class Their biographical info Their historical relevance What impact did their life have on today Explain why you agree or disagree with The Great Man Theory Click here for an example of what I am looking for *you can use as many slides as makes sense for your presentation

5 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Plato Socrates PericlesDemocritus Cleopatra Xerxes Constantine Attila Justinian King Ashoka Erastostenes Ghenghis Khan Montezuma William I the Conqueror Isabella Leif Ericsson Marco Polo Johannes Gutenberg

6 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Pericles website #1 Pericles website #2 Pericles website #3 Pericles website #4

7 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Socrates website #1 Socrates website #2 Socrates website #3 Socrates website #4

8 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Justinian website #1 Justinian website #2 Justinian website #3 Justinian website #4

9 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Attila website #1 Attila website #2 Attila website #3 Attila website #4

10 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Constantine website #1 Constantine website #2 Constantine website #3 Constantine website #4

11 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Xerxes website #1 Xerxes website #2 Xerxes website #3 Xerxes website #4

12 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Cleopatra website #1 Cleopatra website #2 Cleopatra website #3 Cleopatra website #4

13 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Democritus website #1 Democritus website #2 Democritus website #3 Democritus website #4

14 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Plato website #1 Plato website #2 Plato website #3 Plato website #4

15 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Eratosthenes website #1 Eratosthenes website #2 Eratosthenes website #3 Eratosthenes website #4

16 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher King Ashoka website #1 King Ashoka website #2 King Ashoka website #3 King Ashoka website #4

17 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Genghis Khan website #1 Genghis Khan website #2 Genghis Khan website #3

18 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Montezuma I website #1 Montezuma I website #2 Montezuma I website #3

19 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher William website #1 William website #2 William website #3 William website #4

20 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Queen Isabella website #1 Queen Isabella website #2 Queen Isabella website #3

21 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Leif Ericson website #1 Leif Ericson website #2 Leif Ericson website #3

22 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Marco Polo website #1 Leif Ericson website #2 Leif Ericson website #3

23 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Gutenberg website #1 Gutenberg website #2 Gutenberg website #3 Gutenberg website #4

24 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Here you will find some resources to help you during your quest. Historical Figure Worksheet This is a useful tool to keep track of information learned. Website evaluation it is important to ensure any website you use to gather information is creditable. This tool will help you ensure you are using a reliable source.

25 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Click here to start The Roman Empire The roman empire began in 27 B.C.E. in the area that is known as Italy today. At its height the Roman empire encompassed most of what today is Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Next The Roman Empire was one of the first to develop a system of roads to facilitate travel throughout their empire. The system was so elaborate that they had special stones to mark the miles traveled on the road Next Our modern highways work similar to the Roman roads of 2000 years ago We even copied their idea of the mile marker Next Even our idea for a bathroom originated with the Romans! Next By the late 5 th century the Roman Empire was falling apart. Due to the fact that the empire had grown so large there was a need to spend massive amounts of money to defend the empire from invading forces. This and other issues caused a division between the Senate and the Emperor which led to fall of Rome in 476 C.E. Return to Task

26 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher POSSIBLE POINTS 01020SCORE Following Instructions 1 Individual is researched 2 Individuals are researched 3 Individuals are researched /20 Historical Relevance No historical information given Only biographical info or historical relevance given Both biographical info and historical relevance given /20 Relevance to today No relevance given to today Failed to make connection Meaningful relevance /20 AccuracyMany mistakesFew mistakesNo mistakes/20 PowerPoint Presentation Less than 4 slides PowerPoint Alone PowerPoint with oral presentation /20

27 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher Now that you have taken time to think about great men and women and their role in history you can better understand how the actions of people affect the future. In addition to looking at individuals impact on the world it is also important that that you understand what shapes history. Through discussing the great man theory youve gained insight into thinking critically about who and how history is shaped. Not only did you learn something about a historical character but you had the opportunity to present your thoughts and ideas about history in a creative way.

28 HOME INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION RESOURCES CONCLUSION TEACHERS PAGE TEACHERS PAGE E-mail Teacher E-mail Teacher This project is for 9 th grade social studies. This project addresses standard 8.4.9: Analyze the significance of individuals and groups who made major political and cultural contributions to world history before 1500. The following are performance objectives for this webquest. Students will follow directions. Students will evaluate website authenticity and accuracy. Students will explain the historical relevance of selected individuals. Students will establish a connection between their historical figure and life today. Students will plan and execute a presentation for the class.


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