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Published byAndra Lane Modified over 5 years ago
Compact Propositional Encoding of First Order Theories
Eyal Amir University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Joint with Deepak Ramachandran and Igor Gammer) Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Example: Pigeonhole Principle
Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Pigeonhole: Classical Encoding
Every i: H1(pi) H2(pi) H3(pi) H4(pi) [H1(pi) H2(pi)] p,q (pq Hi(p) Hi(q)) O(n2) props Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
A Reformulation 1 2 3 4 H1+ p1 p3 H2+ H3+ p4 p2
Hi+(p) : pigeon p is not in a hole in the subtree rooted at i. H1+ p1 p3 H2+ H3+ p4 p2 1 2 3 4 Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
A Reformulation 1 2 3 4 H1+ p1 p3 p4 p2
Hi+(p) : pigeon p is not in a hole in the subtree rooted at i. p[H1+(p) (H2+(p) H3+(p)) H1+ p1 p3 p[H2+(p) (-H1(p) -H2(p)) p[H1+(p) (-H3(p)-H4(p)) p4 p2 1 2 3 4 Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
A Reformulation Hi+(p) : pigeon p is not in a hole in the subtree rooted at i. p[H1+(p) H2+(p)] p1 p3 p[H1(p) H2(p)] p[H3(p)H4(p)] p4 p2 1 2 3 4 Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
A Reformulation p,q[Hi(p)Hi(q) (p=q)] H1+ p1 p3 H2+ H3+ p4 p2
Hi+(p) : pigeon p is not in a hole in the subtree rooted at i. H1+ p1 p3 H2+ H3+ p,q[Hi(p)Hi(q) (p=q)] p4 p2 Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
A Reformulation O(n·logn) props p[H1+(p)] p1 p3 H2+ H3+ p4 p2
Hi+(p) : pigeon p is not in a hole in the subtree rooted at i. p[H1+(p)] p1 p3 H2+ H3+ O(n·logn) props p4 p2 Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Propositional Encodings: Motivation
How do we do this in general? – scientific curiosity Applications: Formal verification, BMC – specification in FOL AI: planning, diagnosis, spatial reasoning, question answering from knowledge – specified in FOL Useful with many objects, predicates, time steps, etc. Can use efficient SAT solvers Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Outline Algorithm for compact prop. encoding Analysis
Interpolants – correctness of algorithm A different Treewidth – number of props. Towards automatic partitioning Related work & open questions Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Naïve Propositional Encoding
Tasks converted into propositional logic P(a) Pa x P(x) Pa Pb Pc (Naive Propositionalization) Problem: Very many propositions: |P||C|k for |P| predicates of arity k, and |C| constant symbols Note: Assumes Domain Closure (DCA) constant symbols name all domain objects Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Our Results New method for propositioal encoding
Size depends on optimal tree decomposition (e.g., O(|P|+|C|) sometimes; O(n logn) instead of O(n2) for Pigeonhole Principle) Applications: Machine scheduling problem Board-Level Routing Problem for FPGA’s Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Our New Algorithm Rough algorithm (given theory T):
Partition theory T into T1…Tr (*1) Encode every Ti in propositional logic Ti’ separately (create proposition Pa for constant a and predicate P in L(Ti)) (*2) Return Ui≤rTi’ Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Partitioned Theory T … Compact Encoding of FOL
Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Partitioned Theory T1 T2 … … Compact Encoding of FOL
Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Propositional Encoding
… … Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Propositional Encoding
… … Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Propositional Encoding
… … Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Propositional Encoding
… … Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Propositional Encoding
… … Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Propositional Encoding
… … Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Partitioned Propositional Encoding
Algorithm: Partition theory T into T1…Tr Propositionalize each Ti separately Return the propositional encoding Ui≤rTi |Pi||Ci| props. # props. in partitioned encoding # props. in naïve encoding #partitions an exponential speed-up for SAT solver How to make this sound+complete? Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Experiments: Board-Level Routing
#prop. vars per problem SAT Running time (sec.) per problem Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Experiments: Machine Scheduling
#prop. vars per problem SAT Running time (sec.) per problem Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Outline Algorithm for compact prop. encoding Analysis
Interpolants – correctness of algorithm A different Treewidth – number of props. Towards automatic partitioning Related work & open questions Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Key to Exact Encoding ^ P(x) ^ ^ ^ T1 T2
Craig’s interpolation theorem (First-Order Logic): If T1 T2, then there is a formula C including only symbols from L(T1) L(T2) such that T1 C and C T2 ^ ^ ^ T1 ^ T2 P(x) Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Key to Exact Encoding ^ P(x) ^ ^ ^ T1 ^
Craig’s interpolation theorem (First-Order Logic): If T1 T2, then there is a formula C including only symbols from L(T1) L(T2) such that T1 C and C T2 ^ ^ ^ T1T2 has no model, iff T1 T2 ^ T1 ^ T2 The only interpolants (the C’s) can be xP(x),xP(x),… (+6 others) P(x) Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Key to Exact Encoding ^ P(x)
Key idea: If our prop. encoding of T1 [T2] implies all possible interpolants in L(T1)L(T2), then the combined encoding is SAT iff T (in FOL) is SAT. T1T2 has no model, iff T1 T2 ^ T1 ^ T2 The only interpolants (the C’s) can be xP(x),xP(x),… (+6 others) P(x) Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Propositional Encoding
… … The only interpolants (the C’s) can be xP(x),xP(x),… (+6 others) Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Correctness of Encoding Alg.
Encoding of each partition needs to include encodings of all possible interpolants (detailed next) When there are more than two partitions, the partitions are arranged in a tree decomposition (in next section) Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Outline Algorithm for compact prop. encoding Analysis
Interpolants – correctness of algorithm A different Treewidth – number of props. Towards automatic partitioning Related work & open questions Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Propositional Encoding Size
… … The only interpolants (the C’s) can be xP(x),xP(x),… (+6 others) Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Propositional encoding of Monadic FOL
Factor = single-variable existentially quantified formula Theorem : Can convert any monadic FOL formula to a conjunction of disjunctions of factors Example: Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Propositionalizing a Partition in Monadic FOL
Convert Ti to factorized form Replace factors in Τi with prop. symbols Add meaning of new propositions ε(Ti) = This approach creates |Pi||Ci|+3|Pi| propositional symbols. Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Outline Algorithm for compact prop. encoding Analysis
Interpolants – correctness of algorithm A different Treewidth – number of props. Towards automatic partitioning Related work & open questions Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Automatic Partitioning and Propositional Encoding
Optimization criteria Tree of partitions of axioms that satisfies the running intersection property Minimize |Pi||Ci|+3|Pi| (contrast with treewidth, where we minimize |Pi|) Can use current algorithms for treewidth and decomposition as a starting point Sometime need reformulation of axioms Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Automatic Partitioning
Find a tree decomposition G of minimum width: Every node in G is a set of symbols from T G satisfies the running intersection property: if P appears in both v,u in G, then P appears in all the nodes on the path connecting them Choose G with minimum width (width(G) is the size of its largest node v) Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Outline Algorithm for compact prop. encoding Analysis
Interpolants – correctness of algorithm A different Treewidth – number of props. Towards automatic partitioning Related work & open questions Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Related Work [McMillan 2005] – some ground (QF) FOL theories have ground interpolants May use his results for similar results on compact prop. for those theories McMillan’s talk yesterday – may use our compact prop. method to generate all interpolants Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Related Work [Pnueli, Rodeh, Strichman, Siegel ’99, ’02] – equational theories (no predicates), and weak(er?) bound where R = resulting universe size, and others are problem dependent (worst case n!, for n variables/constants) Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Conclusion Created efficient propositional encodings:
Monadic FOL – Sound + Complete Ramsey class – Sound, Incomplete without DCA Applies to general FOL (with DCA) Speedup in SAT solving Exploits the structure of real world problems Future work: Classes beyond Monadic FOL Right now: ground FOL with equality 2-var fragment Some software on Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
THE END Compact Encoding of FOL
Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Problems with Naïve Prop.
Problem 1: Very large number of propositions: |P||C|k for |P| predicates of arity k, and |C| constant symbols Problem 2: Assumes Domain Closure Assumption (DCA) – only elements are those with constant symbols Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
cC Qx2…Qxn(x1,…, xn) General FOL (with DCA) cC Qx2…Qxn(x1,…, xn)
Use DCA repeatedly until we get a formula in Monadic FOL Replace x1Qx2…Qxn(x1,…, xn) with cC Qx2…Qxn(x1,…, xn) Replace x1Qx2…Qxn(x1,…, xn) with cC Qx2…Qxn(x1,…, xn) Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Automatic Partitioning
Begin with logical Knowledge Base in FOL Construct symbol graph vertex = symbol edge = axiom uses both symbols Find a tree decomposition Partition axioms using clusters in tree decomposition Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Automatic Partitioning
key locked can_open can_open Ù try_open open open Ù fetch broom key open try_open open broom fetch broom Ù dry can_clean can_clean clean broom Ù let_dry dry time let_dry drier let_dry time drier Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Automatic Partitioning
key locked can_open can_open Ù try_open open open Ù fetch broom key open try_open open broom fetch broom Ù dry can_clean can_clean clean broom Ù let_dry dry time let_dry drier let_dry time drier Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Automatic Partitioning
key locked can_open can_open Ù try_open open open Ù fetch broom key open try_open open broom fetch broom Ù dry can_clean can_clean clean broom Ù let_dry dry time let_dry drier let_dry time drier Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Automatic Partitioning
key locked can_open try_open can_clean clean open fetch dry time broom let_dry drier Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Automatic Partitioning
key locked can_open try_open can_clean clean open fetch dry time broom let_dry drier Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Automatic Partitioning
broom key locked can_open try_open can_clean clean open fetch dry time broom let_dry drier Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Automatic Partitioning
broom key locked can_open try_open can_clean clean broom open fetch dry time broom let_dry drier Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
Automatic Partitioning
key locked can_open can_open Ù try_open open open Ù fetch broom key open try_open open broom fetch broom Ù dry can_clean can_clean clean broom Ù let_dry dry time let_dry drier let_dry time drier broom Compact Encoding of FOL Eyal Amir, Cambridge Present., May 2006
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